Zedelgem The owner of a night shop in the centre of Zedelgem has blooded a masked robber chased out. The offender’s lap, probably with a loodjesgeweer, two times to the operator. That bekogelde the robber with cans of Jupiler, so nothing was stolen. “I have not doubted, as it was my income,” says Yassir Saleem.

The quiet village of Zedelgem was on Sunday night rocked by an armed robbery of the night shop next to butcher shop Vanhullebus. The facts were around 0.30 hours. Owner Yassir Saleem could just be shopping close. “I didn’t expect many people more”, the man his story. “The Sunday was over and today everyone had to work again.” Yassir was just sent to the private room in the back of the case is gone, when he was still a customer heard come in. “He was completely dressed in black, approximately 1.80 metres long, and had a balaclava on. I saw immediately that the man was a weapon in his hands. He set it on me, and cried aloud that I the cash register was open, while a plastic bag on the counter threw. Perhaps it was intended that I be the bag would fill up with cash money.”

Glass all around

The nachtwinkeluitbater did not do and was not in on the question of the robber. Who responded with a first shot. “I could just hide behind a stack of sixpacks with Jupiler, which in addition to m’n went to stand and felt the glass behind me in the fly around. The ball was in the rack with bottles of liquor flew and had the glass shatter. This was followed by a second shot. It sounded not as loud as a real weapon. I think the robber a loodjesgeweer should have used. The police also found similar iron spheres in the shop.” After the shots tried the masked man the cash register of Yassir to grab. Who responded very alert. “I have such a sixpack taken, and threw it in the direction of that robber. He weerde the beercans when I was a second time thrown. At this point, doubt you not, because it goes to your income. The recette of the whole evening was still in that terminal.”

Known eyes

The robber was expecting may not be to the strong defence of Yassir and fled, eventually, without booty, in the direction of the town hall or the Loppemsestraat. “It was dark, so I don’t have that as well. I still have doubts to haunt him, but since he’s a weapon, it seemed to me that not a good idea. I went to the private room walked and have the police called.”

According to the Bruges office of the public prosecutor Monday afternoon, no suspect arrested. Yassir dare not to speak about the identity of the perpetrator. “His eyes came to me known, which I think it’s possible someone from Zedelgem. I can hear his voice ever heard, though I’m not entirely sure. It went all so fast.” Monday night was the male again behind the counter of his late-night shop. “Afraid I don’t,” he says. “Though I have been someone called here a security camera to come up. Until last night, I found that not necessary. Something you expect, after all, not in Zedelgem. I took the store three years ago about my uncle and thought it is safe to sit. But apparently, it can happen anywhere.”