The Backstop could fail in an orderly Brexit at the end. In the Northern Irish city of Londonderry there is a fear of the laboriously achieved peace on the island of Ireland – also, the trade would be affected

Christoph Heinzle, ARD Studio London, currently of Londonderry

The Peace Bridge in the Northern Irish city of Londonderry between the Protestant and the Catholic side is a Symbol of progress since the end of the Northern Ireland conflict. Jimmy Brewer has crossed it almost daily. On the handling of London with the Brexit addressed, grabs the 66-Year-old anger.

“you have no idea. You are not aware of the importance of this question for the island of Ireland. You have no idea what the consequences would have a hard limit.”

Hard limit could throw both sides back

is Today the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland are practically invisible. This is the basis of the recovery of the formerly economically backward Region. A hard limit would throw both sides, Toni Forrester convinced the Head of the chamber of Commerce in the nearby Irish Letterkenny. There were delays due to controls and higher costs:

“The duties could mean for some industries. With the customs duties for meat and milk, for instance, could products be 40 percent more expensive. It is of import and export duties according to the WTO rules apply. Many companies are not prepared for it. And many of the smaller do not have the resources to do so.”

The border should remain open, says Forrester. Not even with the fallback solution, the Backstop.