Democrats and Republicans in Congress have found an in-principle agreement to avoid the budget dispute, the next Shutdown. The Deal provides no money for Trumps wall. What is the President’s doing now?

In the months-long U.S. budget dispute, Democrats and Republicans have made in Congress, an agreement in Principle. The Deal, which does not contain, according to the congressional staff of US President, Trump requested $ 5.7 billion for the construction of a wall along the Mexico border, has yet to be approved by Trump himself. This is expressed in the context of a campaign event in Texas El Paso on Monday evening (local time), still cautious.

the breakthrough came after The negotiators of both parties in Congress only a few days before the government in Washington on Friday out again the money, and a new Shutdown looms. On the weekend, the talks were once again Stalled. “Again the threat of a Shutdown has brought us all together,” said the Republican negotiators, Senator Richard Shelby. “None of us wanted it to happen again.”

budget dispute: Democrats and Republicans reached an agreement in Principle
Sebastian Schreiber, ARD Washington
12.02.2019 at 06:26

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No money for the wall

From the official side were initially no Details of the agreement in principle known. These were still being worked out, said the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the house of representatives, the New York Democrat Nita Lowey. A plurality of matching U.S.-according to media reports, the Deal does not include any of the President Trump the required $ 5.7 billion for a wall along the border with Mexico. Instead, only 1.37 billion dollars for the Erection of new border fences, as well as funds for new border officials, investments in monitoring technologies and the Democrats required expenditure for humanitarian aid provided, to be unnamed Congress are cited employees.

members of both parties expressed confidence, however, that the President sign off on your Agreement and so a new Shutdown is avoided. At the end of January, Trump had given in, as his Democrats in Congress rejected a demand for the full financing of the armed object boundary wall to the longest Shutdown in the history of the United States. Based on conversations with the White house and the game room, the President had given the Republicans in Congress, “we believe that they support the agreement,” said Republican Shelby now. “We hope it, at least.”

US President, Trump was at a campaign event in Texas, clear words, what is the object of dispute border wall.

Are Trump?

The President was at a campaign event in the Texas border city of El Paso in the evening not in the cards.

Shortly before his appearance he had been informed that there had been progress in the negotiations, told the President of the bath in the amount of his euphoric supporters. Maybe not, said Trump’s voice, maybe, and then to push: “Just want you to know it: We build the wall one way or the other.” Above the stage hung a large Banner with the inscription: “Finish The Wall” builds the wall finished.

Trump holds on to the construction of the wall
daily show at 09:00, 12.02.2019

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