On Wednesday in Berlin expected to be massive education failures, some schools and many day care centers could even be closed completely. And also in Offices, libraries, and other public service institutions, it is likely to be limitations. Because the public service unions – Verdi, WT, police Union GdP and IG Bau – have for the 13. February called all of the employees, country employees covered by the collective agreement of the Länder (TVL), a day-long token strike.

In Berlin are affected, according to Verdi, around 140,000 people from the negotiations on the collective agreement of the countries. About half of be transferred to officers, their remuneration, the collective results. The largest group of Employees, the teachers. Around 17,000 of them are now called for a warning strike, in addition, around 13,000 teachers and social workers, Employees of universities and colleges, the district offices, the Senate administrations, the police and the fire brigade.

will be affected, How many actually go on strike, and how many schools and day-care centres, at present, it is still not to say. The institutions were obliged to take emergency care to offer, said WT-speaker Markus Hanisch. He expects a high level of participation. “The first warning strike on may 29. January have made the teachers printer to set in as early as possible a sign,“ he said. At that time, about 2,500 educators and social workers involved. Hanisch also hopes on the solidarity of the teachers, with the educators. Since the primary school teachers are paid according to E13, were distances, the Salary of the teachers is even greater.

What the unions are calling

On a better position of workers in the education and social service, is placed in Berlin a special attention. Because in most other States they are paid according to the higher doped municipal collective agreement for the civil service (TVöD). The result is that educators get, for example, in Brandenburg, in part, about 300 Euro a month more. The WT calls, therefore, on the approximation of the payment at the level of the TVöD. Overall, the trade unions are calling for six percent more pay, a minimum of 200 euros a month more.

daily mirror people


order The decision to call for a strike came after to be gone on Thursday, the second round of Negotiations on the collective agreement of the countries without the approach the end. “Miles and miles of a breakthrough” was to remove, said of the Verdi Chairman Frank Bsirske. So far be has not yet been spoken on the issues of wage statements. Instead, it went primarily to provisions for specific occupational groups. It was clear that the employer wanted to resolve structural improvements, with possible wage increases. Such a “principle of cost neutrality, called” I’m a “No-Go”.

third round of Negotiations on may 28. February and 1. March

negotiators from the countries of Berlin’s Finance Senator Matthias Kollatz (SPD). For Strikes is no need to insist he was after the first round of Negotiations. “We have constructively sought after Because, where there are opportunities to approach one another.” A package you could lace up if you have discussed any further questions. So far you don’t be after the second round. The third round of Negotiations on the collective agreement of the countries for the 28. February and 1. March in Potsdam recognized.

The Berlin-based WT-Chairman Doreen Siebernik campaigned for children and parents to be understanding for the strike: “Only with a better salary, it is the success of the city, to attract sufficient well-qualified teachers.” WT-tariff expert Udo Mertens pointed out that in collective bargaining to improve the conditions for the teachers in the comparison to the civil service. “Berlin’s Finance Senator has to do it, as the negotiator of the employer himself in the Hand, substantially something against the plight of Education in Berlin,” said Mertens. Next Wednesday at 10 a.m., the strike will gather on Alexanderplatz. From there, a cortege should move in the direction of the Brandenburg gate. At about 11.30 PM, there is planned a final rally.

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collective conflict Berlin new Strikes threaten schools and Offices

Sylvia Vogt

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