The Deadline is fast approaching. 29. March, the Brexit it is a fact. Although the voices are always loud, demanding an extension of the deadline, but they have not been pushed yet. For trading companies, the Brexit is actually already a reality. Cargo ships, leaving in these days of the UK, are weeks at sea. A journey to Asia will take approximately one and a half months – often longer than the time remaining until Expiration of the Brexit period.

The British companies is a big problem. The news Agency Bloomberg has portrayed these days a number of companies suffer from this uncertainty. This includes, for example, Nim’s Fruit Crisps, a manufacturer of fruit snacks. The company is based in the South East of England relates to fruits from around the world.

The pineapple comes from Costa Rica, Kiwis from Italy, and the lemons from Spain. The Snacks are then exported to South Africa, Israel and Hong Kong. Their arrival is planned for the days after the Brexit Deadline. Nim’s Fruit Crisps shipped the products so, at the moment, without knowing what law applies to a situation, when the goods arrive. The company had to be prepared for anything, so the founder Nimisha Raja. “A lot more we can do,” says Raja.

Weaker pound as an advantage

The Problem is that British companies will benefit when exported to third countries of EU treaties. It is unclear, however, how the goods are treated when they expire the same treatment. When you arrive in Asia, you could be in quarantine blocked. Also, there could be a dispute about which tariff is valid, and whether the supplier or the recipient of a higher import duty would have to shell out.

According to Bloomberg, therefore, British companies have begun to send their goods by air freight. The company Joe & Seph sets about’s, a manufacturer of Gourmet Popcorn from London. The risk was too high, so the company’s founder Adam Sopher to Bloomberg. The relationship to the customer is too important, and the uncertainty is a nightmare.

Some companies also report that it is increasingly difficult to import raw materials for their products. The Scottish Haggis manufacturer Macsween imports pulses from Canada, and onions from India. These suppliers fall away, it’ll be more difficult to plan the recipes.

Other companies hope to gain from a disordered Brexit even an advantage. The pound would lose value, would their goods cheaper abroad. This could have a positive effect on demand, so Sean Ramsden, chief of the wholesaler’s Ramsden International.


With some States prepared a trade is concluded and the location for the British company clarified, as stated by the British Ministry of trade. Also, Switzerland is one of. In the last year, was negotiated with the government of Theresa May, a new trade agreement, to come in a disorderly Brexit. Today the contract was signed.

Switzerland is one of the first countries which have concluded with the United Kingdom an agreement for the time after the exit from the EU. A number of contract works to ensure each of the areas of life, for clarity. Recently, a insurance and a road transport agreement were signed.

The negotiations run under the title “Mind the Gap”. So, as the speakers say in the London underground warning of the gap – the “Gap” – between the platform and cars, wants to preserve the Federal Council, the Swiss economy from crashing after the Brexit with the UK in a Contracting state. The UK is the sixth most important market for Swiss goods exports, and the eight most important for imports.

For other business locations is the lack of clarity is a blessing. More than 40 companies have moved in the last few months in the Netherlands, the Dutch Agency for foreign investments. Most of them come from the UK, but including subsidiaries of Japanese and US corporations. The triggers investment of 290 million euros. 2000 jobs. (jb)

Created: 11.02.2019, 14:37 PM