the Police have for a long time worked to crush a comprehensive narkotikanettverk in the north. The investigation has led to the police before christmas, seized 14 kilograms of amphetamine in Vågan municipality, and around 8 kg in Sortland, reports NRK.

Sources tell the channel that the police put these two quantities in context, and that they believe it is one of the hovedleverandørene of drugs that are now stopped.

The supposed ringleader was ” I Trondheim just before the new year. He is of foreign origin, but has lived in Vågan municipality for several years before he moved to eastern norway. Another man who also is ” I should have stood for the retention of the drug in the Lofoten islands. He is, according to NRK known to the police from before, but in connection with minor infringements.


After the police rolled up a comprehensive narkotikasak in Tromsø, where the seven men now face charges in a case that bottoms in a seizure of 66 kilograms of amphetamine, the mean police in the north that they now have crushed a comprehensive narkotikanettverk.

According to NRK have oldham and also touch to other matters, including ordering the killing of a man from Vågan. The man received according to the channel by telephone from the police with information about not to travel to some places because someone had plans to kill him. The man filed a police report 2. January of this year.

Five arrested

In a press release, writes the police in Nordland that they have investigated a organized narkotikanettverk since last fall. The investigation resulted in the December of last year in a campaign which resulted in the largest amfetaminbeslaget in the county of Nordland, several kilograms hashish and five pågrepne. the

Police made a suspicion against individuals and further investigation showed that this was an organized network that over time has provided several Nordlandskommuner with drugs, writes the police in the press release. the

the Investigation has, according to the police been in the areas of Rana, Salten and Lofoten. Seizures are all made in the Lofoten islands. Three of those five who were apprehended sitting still ” I with the letter and restraining order. the

Police stated that they do not preclude further pågripelser. the