From start-up to 12 o’clock rolls out at noon this Friday, the Berlin transport companies (BVG). Drivers of buses, metros and trams are to be called for a strike. The trade Union Verdi announced on Monday afternoon. It is to be expected with massive disabilities throughout the public transportation.

the Berlin passenger visiting Association igeb-fear. “Although the S-Bahn, but it will come to large delays and the cars are full of cans like Sardines,” says spokesman Jens pointed corner at the daily mirror. Although he does not have understanding for the strike, “but that it will take eight hours. Two hours between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. would be acceptable, passengers could reorganize. But the whole morning: The half of the city shuts down.”

No result in two and a half hours of talks

the Background of the strike the ongoing collective bargaining negotiations. The two and a half hours of talks on Monday had to be, according to Verdi inconclusive. “The employers have tabled an offer, especially in the case of the Union demand for a reduction in working time with full wage compensation, there is no recognizable, contrary to come,” – said in a press release.

at The heart of the trade Union to reach all employees, a uniform working week of 36.5 hours on full pay. So far, this applies only to Employees who were hired prior to September 2005. For all other employees in a 39-hour week. In addition, it is an adaptation and enhancement in the remuneration groups.

daily mirror people


order On Friday, it should give 9 at a Central strike rally in front of the BVG office in the wood street market, says a Verdi spokesman. The Union expects at least 3,000 participants in front of the building.

employer: claims are not implementable

The LOB is already struggling with the Problem that their work conditions for competition. About the S-Bahn paid driver is significantly better, so that the BVG has trouble holding on to staff.

the employers ‘ side recognises. The attractiveness of the LOB needs to improve in order to find the “fiercely competitive employment market in Berlin, new employees”, – stated in a communication of the employers ‘ Association, KAV Berlin, the results of the tariff negotiations. The claims of the Union were not yet acceptable.

“The Verdi demanded the reduction of working time with full wage compensation means an additional personnel requirement of 500 workers,” says the negotiator, Claudia Pfeiffer. This is in addition to the 2019 required 1350 new employees for the employer not to implement.

More about

collective bargaining in the case of the BVG, the Verdi threatens to Strike when Bus and train

Sigrid Florian ganzert

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