The people’s desire for biodiversity in Bayern are missing three days before the deadline at the end of 50,000 signatures. Co-initiator Norbert Schäffer is optimistic and stresses that The Initiative was not directed against farmers.

Three days before the deadline of the end of the popular initiative “biodiversity – Saving the bees” in Bavaria has collected about 900,000 signatures. Nearly 50,000 more are to Wednesday, so the Bavarian state government presented a law proposal, the areas, inter alia through the promotion of Organic land of the insects to die will contain.

Co-Initiator Norbert Schäffer, the Chairman of the Landesbunds for the protection of birds (LBV), is shown in conversation with tagesschau24 optimistic that the critical mass can still be achieved: “We are very confident,” he says. “Every day many thousands of people carry.”

in order for the Initiative to succeed, you need to be. ten percent of eligible voters in Bavaria – so far, have involved, therefore, 9.4 percent

Norbert Schäffer, the country Confederation for the protection of birds, about the people’s desire for stricter law on nature conservation
tageschau24 15:00, 11.02.2019

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“With voluntary measures, we cannot continue”

A law for the conservation of biodiversity is crucial, said Schäffer: “We have a lot of years, in principle, the decades of waiting that something is going on, that the decline of biological diversity, especially in the agricultural landscape – stops. The Trend is unbroken” – every year, was in Bavaria and in Germany, a piece of nature lost. He is not convinced: “With voluntary measures, which are always to be applauded in Bavaria, we come.”

in The law proposal demands take, in particular, farmers in the duty: to mow, among other things, later, more Blühwiesen create, and the use of pesticides to reduce.

supporters of the people’s desire to “Save the bees”, their Transparent the target: One Million signatures for a new biodiversity law in Bavaria.

“The state is forced to do something”

The Initiative was not directed against the peasants, – said Schäffer. Because these were “not the perpetrators but the victims of” biodiversity decline and death of Bees: “The farmers are doing nothing Illegal, you economies, and the conditions can be set. But it is also a fact that the farmers in Bavaria, manage almost half of the area, and for this reason, farmers are extremely important to us.”

The Initiative “Save the bees” work together with the farmers and enjoy their support. The law claims were directed rather to the Bavarian state government, told Schäffer: it is Only through a secured financing, farmers could be encouraged to get more organic surfaces, “so that it is lucrative is to adapt.”

The state is forced to do something, because the Prime Minister Markus Söder of the announced round table on the protection of species is not sufficient: “A round table brings back all alone, not a single Skylark, and not a dovetail in our landscape.”