A guiltily thief was Saturday afternoon so the bad conscience that he called the victim of the theft, and laid the cards on the table.

Or of the bread, one is tempted to say.

The 37-year-old man was ‘come to’ to steal a van full of baked goods, which should have been delivered to stores around the south jutland.

It tells Marianne Brodersen Jensen, who together with her husband owns Kisbæk Brødgård in Løgumkloster, to Ekstra Bladet.

the Couple’s two drivers were at the firetiden the night to Saturday in the process of loading the car with rye bread, when an intruder suddenly had sneaked into the vehicle.

So looks the driver a little bit of light, in which the car cutter out of the yard with the trunk lid standing open, tells Marianne Brodersen Jensen, who for once kept free. Her husband came quickly in the cloths.

– He flies out in the car to pursue the thief, which, however, is long gone, says the 46-year-old bagerkvinde.

the Couple joined bread – and biltyveriet to the police, but heard shortly after from Brugsen in Rødekro, which they deliver bread.

Then it dawned on me who the thief was. He is well known in the area and had been caught by security cameras tiptoeing around with a bag in hand, tells Marianne Brodersen Jensen, who imagines that the thief secretly practised to commit burglary at the convenience store.

Bagerkvinden know, incidentally, very well tyveknægten.

– I have cared for him since he was a child, and he worked for us ten years ago in a short period of time, tells Marianne Brodersen Jensen, who top the theft was mad at his former employees.

But then rang her phone.

‘Hello, Marianne. It is X (name omitted, ed.)’, he said and told me that he had something he thought belonged to us, as he had come to steal. ‘I think’, I said so’, says Marianne Brodersen Jensen, who adds that she took it quite calmly and spoke nicely to the thief.

– It comes since. I then asked if he could return the car, but it was not so easy, for he had no driving licence and had a beer too much. And so he had, moreover, thrown away the key, says Marianne Brodersen Jensen, whose anger against the man has slowed down.

– He is hard to be mad at, for he is a paltry creature.

Staklen release maybe enough for bagerparrets curses, but not for the law’s long arm.

– We had reported it to insurance and police, which got the message that we had found the thief. They took over and questioned him, as they have done so many times before, says Marianne Brodersen Jensen, if the van had not been for the scratches in the thief’s custody.

– He did well enough peeled of the logo of the car, so it was not as easily recognizable. He has just written a text that he has found the key.

Bagervarerne in the carriage had the man not tampered with, but they had become too old to sell. After Marianne Brodersen Jensen’s assessment has the theft cost her and gemalen around 15,000 dollars, for the theft of the van meant that one half of the bagerbiksens customers were not provided bread for the day.

The 37-year-old thief is now charged for brugstyveri. Vagtchef for the South Jutland Police Nikolaj Hølmkjær will not deny, that a man’s honesty is a mitigating circumstance, but:

– You must not steal.

the Police received the complaint about the theft Saturday morning at 04.12.