“Therefore, the run professional drivers for the fort here in Sweden”

“Debater: the Stress is excessive for your package to arrive on time”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Sweden is a bilburet country, and we are many who daily learn the way to take us to work, school and leisure activities. We are also many whose work takes place along with the roads. That fatalities are increasing is a concern for all of us – no one should have to die in traffic. The 325 people who put life in traffic over last year is 325 too many.”

“the Causes of accidents are many, and help keep drivers carry a large responsibility and should set a good example. Truck drivers are Sweden’s deadliest profession. It is simply dangerous to be on our roads and the working with to run have not only a responsibility but also a very great interest in the to make traffic as safe as possible.”

“That as much as 70 percent of the vehicles in the transport sector driving too fast is very serious, regardless of the criticism that can be raised against the measurements in themselves, or that the heavy trucks fortkörningar is small in this context. To be a role model and take responsibility is not to condition or explain it away. But what is it that makes the heavy trucks driving too fast?”

“the Logistics are tidspressad. How pissed you will be when your delivery is late? How much too fast do you want the driver to run, for you to get your klädpaket at the appointed time? Many are turning to social media and blacken a company’s name when the supply does not work. Have you ever thought, that the reason why the driver is late may be that there was an accident on the road, and the speed was reduced? Maybe it was the content, or an unusual amount of traffic.”

“the Company ordering the transport has more powerful guns than social media. They write into the contract that the delivery to come a certain period of time. It does not make, means very large costs. A trucking company recently stopped running the tanker for one of the largest bränslebolagen in Sweden. If the delivery was 30 minutes late came with a fine of 50 000£.”

“to help keep drivers driving too fast because they have crazy in a hurry. This is a service industry, where the vast majority are keen to have satisfied customers. The margins for the delays is so tight that a little more traffic than usual risk to seriously damage the company’s brand and also involves huge costs.”

“in Addition, there are run – and the rules on rest times. A common EU regulatory framework which the transport agency is the supervisory authority, and violation of these may mean sanktionsavgifter. Imagine, you have five minutes to you must take a 45-minute break. The picnic area is full, and there is nowhere you can park. You need to give you out on the road again, where lunchtrafiken is palpable. Now it is in a hurry to get to the next rest stop, to escape sanction. Both the driver and the company at risk of large expenses if they will be late.”

“all in all, the pressure of the logistics that drivers are driving too fast. Seven out of ten professional drivers, according to the Swedish transport agency and Swedish transport administration’s numbers.”

“With this article we want to do not excuse a wrong behavior without nuance the picture a bit. We drive too fast, and we want to change that. With companies who can say no to unreasonable customers. With a greater understanding of the association of everyday life. With the company that keeps the banner high and refuses to let itself be pushed to break the law. With a change in behavior with less risk taking. “

“the Swedish association of road haulage companies has for many years worked with the road safety issues where hastighetsefterlevnad is absolutely central. Fair Transport, our work with better sustainable transportaffärer. It shall not be possible to compete with the company consistently driving too fast. It is a change we want to reverse.”

“nRickard Gegö, president of the Swedish association of road haulage companies”

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