Robin Packalen is planned for Europe-oriented career quietly for many years. Songs are written so in Berlin than in l. a., too.Robin told me what his career will happen next.

Singer Robin Packalen , 20, back from a long break to out with a bang by appearing in Emma-gala. Robin presented a gala audience of the new English-language single I’ll Be With You.

novelty single has been well received, as it quickly rose to the Spotify Finland Top 50 -the top of the list. The tension is directed now to the rest of Europe, especially germany and the nordic countries, where the song will be released on Friday 8. February.

– it Is difficult to say that the direction it goes. This we leave now to take a long formula, Robin told the evening newspaper.

International career is already planned for the year 2013. In fact, Robin was offered the chance to go to aim abroad already in 2012, when his debut album the Code was published.

I myself Would probably been on that stage, that yeah, let’s do it, when there was a terrible haippi on the first release. Fortunately, the troops were said, that is not yet the right moment.

the Case continued to image after.

the English music publishing in the year 2019 has been known for years, but it did not want to tell the past in the public eye.

It would have been the wrong message at that point, when made in Finland, full tour info and music. It would have been weird to announce something in the road, that 2019 will be the English music, Robin think about it.

Robin has won the Finnish language by his music, four Emma-statues and sold hundreds of thousands of albums. He believes, you wouldn’t have reached this great success, unless the target abroad aim of it would have been so clear already from the beginning.

It was making more music and touring and big concerts. It was known that at some point need to begin to say different because the request for that no longer.

the Case continued to image after.

Robin from the army in December.

the Secret was in the end quite easy to keep, for a tour of the job placed often on weekends. The rest of the day Robin was able to use the new, English-speaking song of creation.

– people don’t even think about that what do I do with the intermediate days, but think that the chill at home and watch the wall. No, but we left first thing Monday morning to Berlin or god knows where to write music. We come back on Wednesday or Thursday night, jump on a bus and left the gig.

single publications

music videos Robin has also been photographed abroad. How eskimos kiss -video for example was filmed in Los Angeles 2015. Nobody anticipated that two week trip, the second week went more songs to write.

– Is this to do for a long time, and over a hundred songs have accumulated. The publication ended up certainly less than 10%, a Robin report.

Robin intends to focus on the now single release, isn’t prepared yet album. He would like to, that the songs would find their audience.

in principle, anyone not interested in my thing abroad, no one know me there. If I published the album now, so it would be pointless and the album the songs would go to waste.

In 2015 the robin in cooperation with the German Universal record company originated. Since mid-February, the artist way, too, germany to promote the song.

I don’t even know yet, what it should include. Any radio station that wants to interview, so do come, Robin said.

one of The first gigs have not yet been finalized, but the queries, for example, other artists lämppäys job has become. Their also known is an acoustic bets for example, in a radio interview.

song of the language change came as a surprise, since Robin was stirring plans to the public in advance. Objectives

in Finland, a successful career who created the artist is aiming for high international careers to think of. At some point he wants to sing in the Central European arenas.

I can’t know if it still works, but towards the start of this work, Robin said.

I Thought exactly the same, how this song goes. I don’t have any expectations. I think it is a good starting point, that nothing is going to happen. Then can appreciate in a different way, if you ever hurt someone song to hit through, he’s thinking.

Robin stresses that the foreign market is not an experiment, but the purpose is to create the ultimate career for a long and ambitious target, in accordance with.

yes, this created a definitive career like this. Maybe in ten years you happen to come to such a song, which then leaves. It’s my mentality at the moment.

yankee spirit amazes

Robin quickly found a common tune, the German producer of their Koveen and Joznesin with, but the songwriting sessions, for example, in the united states have not been pleasant.

– for Example, in the States is really weird, I don’t like to write there songs at all. If you go to L. a. to write songs, so there’s a hundred like this guy and trying to the same job. There is nothing left to do anything serious, because they are like ”okay okay, let’s do this, it’s a smash, it will be a huge hit”, Robin describes.

– Itself is at the stage of all that no, no, not with that premise, but let’s focus on what to do.

the Case continued to image after.


Also the views of songs of quality have been different.

Sessions have lasted at best 2.5 hours, and we’ve done one song. In my opinion, pretty terrible and the producers are like, that this is hard, in the next big song, Robin is shaking his head.

I Wonder hypettäjiä, I don’t like it one bit. It’s just that their way to do there, that the number of replaced quality. I’m just the opposite so I think quality over quantity. It is not just mätsää, that’s why I don’t like to write there.

in addition to Germany, Denmark and Sweden has found a kindred spirit, for whom the main thing is to make good music and use that time. Robin’s background set can be found, for example, to produce Hitimpulse, which can be found, for example, Alma Karma hits back.

the music business

the music world’s sinister nature and the tough competition a lot of talk about. Robin has already noticed that the practices are different in Finland and in Germany.

I’m still pretty inexperienced, but yes there get a record company with a twist really the fact that we don’t want to do this but I saw. Of course it goes so.

– There is maybe a little more offensive attitude a priori. Those are prepared and background team has experience, that yes we are there in that relationship to survive.

Too arrogant not to be, but the drawbacks need to keep.

– the political game is totally different over there. In order to get themselves power and ability to decide, you have some adjustment. The record company is that much a bigger role in there than in Finland, so with them is to be good, that they want to do with you in the future more.

Robin start to its reputation of creating abroad completely from zero, while in Finland, he has a successful career behind him. It’s earlier career is going to go anywhere. I feel that I have given everything here and received much more than I could ever have imagined. PASI LIESIMAA

the Debate has been mainly in the songs, which have had to learn how to keep their own views to catch up.

– It’s easy and fun.

Strong international career of the singer sees its energy level.

– I don’t know many artists in the international age, who are pulling flips on stage. I guess that’s then something new also. I expect to live the moment, because they get to show their own abilities and strengths. They may go for a moment, because one song is not very long gigs pulled.

no word Yet on how much the Robin gigs in Finland and how much abroad. It is certain that the Finnish fans he will never be forgotten.

I Occur certainly in Finland, because here there are certainly people who want to gig. But do those songs now first, he grins.