The Suspects all come from the “priestly”. The extent to which the cases can be sanctioned from the past few decades, is questionable.

The Munich public Prosecutor’s office systematically reviewed abuse allegations from the past few decades, against approximately 100 Catholic priests of the Archdiocese of Munich. The Church have asked the investigators, the files said the chief Prosecutor Hans Kornprobst on Thursday. “We will now look at how these people actionable crime.”

The emphasis is to grain probsts words, “trackable”: Because many of the Concerned are no longer alive, in other cases, the allegations are time-barred. And in 13 cases there had been already in the past investigations, said the chief state’s attorney. “The surveys in the Archdiocese go back very far, to my knowledge, up to 1946. It is already emerging that, at best, in a very few cases, the initiation of criminal proceedings.”

The 100 Suspects are according to grain probsts words, all of “the priestly”. It is foreseeable, however, that the Review will be extended. The Church have announced plans to make more acts of “non-priestly”.

demand for the süddeutsche Zeitung in Bavarian public Prosecutor’s offices revealed that, in the meantime, a number of law enforcement authorities Material from the dioceses of: Among other things, the prosecutors in Regensburg, Ingolstadt, Würzburg, Nuremberg and Passau, views new documents. In all cases, the testing continues.

The Chairman of the German bishops ‘ conference Munich cardinal Reinhard Marx, has repeatedly argued for a thorough investigation of the abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. In November, Marx spoke in a sermon of the “hour of truth” for the Church.