100 years after its opening, have paid tribute to the politicians of the Weimar national Assembly. Federal President of Germany, Steinmeier stressed that their Teachings had today and pleaded for a “Patriotism of the quiet sounds”.

In celebration of the 100. Anniversary of the Weimar national Assembly has appreciated Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, whose historical significance and its Lessons for the current time highlighted. The Weimar Republic was more than just the history of national socialism, he said in the German national theatre of Weimar. Much of what was created, continue to live today: “Weimar Ideals of freedom and democracy, Law and the social rule of law are not just historically failed, but they are, fortunately, a solid and well-fortified embedded in the Foundation of our basic law and our Republic”.

should take a rest today, no one in it. “As long as parliaments are to be dismissed as ‘Crap shops’, as long as politically Engaged will be attacked with words or even with physical violence, as long as people lose Faith in the value of democracy, as long as we can’t sit back,” said the Federal President. “Anyone who turns away, missing the democracy.”