The 66-year-old actor Liam Neeson is known for his role in the popular ‘Taken’franchise, where he plays a cold-blooded and merciless avenger.

In a new interview, he reveals that the role is not that far from anything he himself has experienced at an earlier time in his life.

For the british newspaper the Independent, he tells about an incident where a woman, who stood him very close to was raped.

He does not tell, what his relationship to the woman was, but describes in detail how his desire to avenge the crime was close to making him a murderer.

Liam had just returned from a long journey, when the woman told him that she had been raped, while he had been gone.

– I asked her if she knew who it was. The answer was no. I asked about the skin color. She said it was a black person, says Liam Neeson, and continues:

I went around the area with a cudgel and was hoping that I would be accosted by one or the other. I am ashamed to say it. And I did it in maybe a week, while I was hoping that one or another black asshole would come out from a bar and try to ambush me because of one or another, so I could kill him.

In the interview with The Independent makes Liam Neeson, who is current in the film ‘Cold Pursuit’, to emphasize that he regret his once they and have become wiser with age. The interview is called even: ‘Rape, race and how I learned that revenge does not work’.

– It is terrible to think back on, that I did it, says Neeson, adding that he has never before told the story to anyone, but that he does it now to emphasize that one must keep themselves from revenge, as it just leads to more revenge and death.