Mazyar Keshvari says: – Charged with aggravated threats with weapons

the Parliamentary leader of the progress party, His Andreas Example, says to the newspaper Dagbladet that they are familiar with the indictment against the member of parliament Mazyar Keshvari.

the indictment against Keshvari is very serious. We know he has been through a lot in the last six months, and that he has had it rough. Now the police get time to do their job, ” says Example, to Dagbladet.

Example, had on Monday, several meetings on the issue with other key people in the Progress party.

Keshvari is charged with having come with rough threats. He was apprehended by police at the weekend, but released Sunday.

Should have involved weapons

It was VG who first publicized the case. According to the newspaper involving threats, use of weapons.

According to the newspaper to the offended person have experienced it as that Keshvari engaging in a form of “Russian rolled” with a handgun.”

the Offended person should be a woman, who according to VG even notified the police. It should further have been seizures of weapons in Keshvaris housing.

Keshvaris defender, attorney Bjørn Stordrange, do not want to comment on the case to the Newspaper, beyond that, he confirms that the Keshvari not acknowledge straffskyld after the indictment.


It was in the fall known that the Keshvari has received large sums of money paid as a result of the false travel expense reports.

In november, it became known that the Keshvari was formally charged with aggravated fraud, which is punishable by up to six years in prison. Frp top has acknowledged the conditions, and has promised to repay the money.

– I will ask my family, colleagues, the Parliament as an institution and the Norwegian people about excuse for that I in a very challenging and difficult period in my life has committed mistakes and acted wrongly. This is something I am very sorry for, regret deeply and apologize in the strongest, wrote Keshvari in an SMS to Dagbladet in December.

Rune Shield, which is leading the investigation of the bedragerisaken as the leader of the section for economy and spesialetterforskning in the Oslo police district, said to the Newspaper Monday that he is not familiar with that Keshvari has been arrested in another case. He says it’s not yet something that ties it fresh relationship with the investigation of expense claims case.