The call came eight minutes prior to departure. A bomb was aboard a flight to Los Angeles, said a man. Specialists from the police evacuated the machine immediately, they searched, but found no explosives. The callers were able to identify the investigators, however, soon. A passenger was upset that he would miss his flight, and tried, the machine to stop. His stupidity and he paid me with ten months in prison.

it Is about identifying the voice of a Suspect, the Volker Dellwo, a Professor of phonetics and phonology at the University of Zurich, regularly. Because sometimes voice recordings in a court of important evidence. Dellwo deals with what makes a voice unique and how you can assign to a speaker. “The crime you see often, like someone puts a cloth over the phone,” said Dellwo. He sits in his office in Zurich-Oerlikon. Sounds have fascinated him always, about music and sound engineering, he found his field of research. A cloth over the phone use but very little. How we sound to determine two factors can only partially distort the anatomy, and biography.

Crucial for the individual voting of the larynx are sound, where the voice is formed, and the resonance spaces that are available to it, so the nasal cavity, the pharynx and the oral cavity. The vocal folds are in the larynx, colloquially they are also called vocal cords, in fact, they look like lips. You can open and close, when air flows Through the air sounds. What is the larynx sits in the throat or how big the voting lips, all of which influence the individual character of a voice. Also, the position of the teeth, or the Size of the tongue has an influence on the sound.

sibilants as important evidence in court

The Talk is a complex process, of the approximately 200 muscles in the mouth and throat are involved. The mixture of these individual biological requirements, then creates the very own vocal sound.

So recording with sophisticated analysis can be reversed by a voting process can also draw conclusions on the anatomy of a human being. “It’s supposed to be in the future even possible to create phantom images of the lower half of the face,” said Dellwo. The appropriate Software could calculate, on the basis of the sound of a voice, such as the anatomy of the speaker might. Of the internal anatomy of the oral and nasal tract conclusions about the shape and Size of the mouth, nose, jaw and chin were then.

even today, the voting forensics involves physical characteristics in the identification of a speaker. Someone teeth, for example, a small gap between the two front cutting edge, one can prove that in the case of certain sounds with acoustic measurement methods. This was also one of the RAF terrorists to doom, was heard on recordings of the kidnapping of Martin managed to reveal. Fonetiker of the Federal criminal police office, Wiesbaden (D) were able to assign the hiss of his teeth. Before the court was considered to be important evidence.

footage from the nuclear spin tomograph: Top-a woman speaks the letters A, right, a I. Below a man speaks the same vowels. According to the letter, the constriction between the throat and the vocal tract elsewhere. Photos: PD

However, not only the biological requirements are crucial, as much of the dialectical colouring of a speaker’s close. To speak of “our kind of tells a lot about our history,” said Dellwo. For the past eight years, scientists from the German Trier lives in Switzerland. He speaks high German with a Moselle Franconian coloring, not much has changed. “But if I say, for example SBB, laughter, my German friends.” The typical Swiss first-syllable emphasis, he had taken a long time ago.

especially in the first years of life have left some traces in the way someone speaks. So most of the people have in foreign languages with the accent of that language you spoke first in your life. A canadian study was able to show several years ago that children who had been adopted as a Baby from China to Canada, showed in brain scans of reactions to the Chinese language, the canadian children had not. Even though the adopted children had never spoken Chinese. During pregnancy, babies can hear the voice of their mother.

The local dialect coloring can be used in some cases to identify a perpetrator. Created specialists a voice profile of an Unknown man, called Jiihadi John who murdered for the Islamic state, several people in front of the camera. The man was masked in the Videos, the specialists were able to assign his recognizable British accent, however relatively exactly to a part of London. This information helped to make his social environment.

prints Less clearly as a finger or Iris

try again and again, people, for a fact, a different dialect or accent to imitate. This succeeds, however, is rarely so perfect that it could fool a professional ear. “Talk now a bit with a French accent,” said Dellwo. That would convince a layman, perhaps, specialists could expose such fakes but quickly. For Swiss-German questions of detail Dellwo in the event that, every ethnographic subgroup in login, Ingrid Hove of the University of Zurich.

As a working instrument programmes for the signal processing, serve as the Voice forensics unit. They allow a quantification of the acoustic characteristics and capture Details that we can’t hear. “The most successful of the voting is not forensics, if people know that they are to be taken,” said Dellwo. Although the experiment with the cloth brings the listener nothing, there are other Attempts to change the voice. Details not want to reveal Dellwo, however, to complicate the work of his colleagues. Voting forensic scientists pay attention to things you don’t notice when listening. As we see, for example, between two words, for a fraction of a second pause can be very treacherous. Or when someone brings to the Talk air.

Video The deepest voice in the world

Tim Storms sings “Lonesome Road” at low altitudes. Source: Youtube

Nevertheless, the voting forensic science is not infallible and the voice is no so clear identification feature such as the fingerprint or the Iris. It depends more on external influences and changes in the course of life. Anyone who has a cold that sounds different. Drugs or alcohol change the Talk. Even those who are beaten, tired or low, whose voice takes on a different tone.

That our voice does not respond as strongly to emotional States, has to do with the role of the breath. To breathe because of our nature, without us to perceive it consciously, feeling States, reacts, changes the voice. The better you know someone, the easier it is to take the different emotions in the voice, can be true. Certain things, however, you realize even with Strangers, for example, if someone is very nervous and the voice trembles.

it is Amazing how we can recognize the voices of people who are close to us. It is a word, often a Loud, and we recognize our loved ones immediately. Because every person has his very own sound, learn our brain to these sounds after a certain time. How it brings this masterpiece, do not know yet in Detail. “There are still many open questions, which makes the research very exciting,” said Dellwo.

In the above-mentioned example of the disgruntled passengers in England, the husband had called from the same phone that he had booked his Ticket, but as a proof of that is not enough. He might claim to be a man with a similar voice stole his cell phone. Volker Dellwo: “Then a vote must show forensic expert opinion, that the caller and the owner of the phones are the same Person.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.02.2019, 10:31 PM