the Party Klaus Riskær Pedersen is in the course of the past month come a big step closer to being opstillingsberettiget to the upcoming election.

It shows the Economy – and the ministry of interior’s monthly status collected digital vælgererklæringer, which are updated on Monday.

according to the report, the party now stands at 15.156 vælgererklæringer against 11.261 a month ago.

Close to Riskær has six children with five women: Three of the children was not my choice

Thus missing less than 6000 to make up the required number, which is 20.109.

the Party’s chairman, the colorful businessman Klaus Riskær Pedersen, explains the great connection with people’s skepticism for the incumbent:

I come from the world of reality, and there are many people out there that want a change. It should be over with, that this country is controlled by 20 to 30-year-old from the faculty of social sciences at the University of Copenhagen, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

the Party’s stated main purpose is to get made the a new tax system that is more transparent than the current one.

The upcoming elections to the Parliament must be held no later than 17. June. It is the prime minister who sets the date of the elections.

All parties, there has been opstillingsberettiget no later than 15 days before the date of the elections, have the right to get on the ballot.