It can talk you after your mouth and learn up to 1,000 words. It is a light grey charmer with a black beak, and is among the world’s most vulnerable animals.

The african gråpapegøje is in demand throughout the world as pets, although the bird is and becomes a wild animal. But the illegal trade in ’the bird from the Equator’ means that the today is in danger of extinction. And one of the world’s largest airlines has for several years contributed to the illegal trade live.

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because of the extensive illegal trade with gråpapegøjer is the stock dropped by 79 % in the last 50 years. Photo credit: Shutterstock

The writing World Animal Protection in a press release. Dyrevelfærdsorganisationen believe to have revealed how the Turkish airline Turkish Airlines is one of the favorite companies of the traffickers – connector from the company’s own principles.

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Gråpapegøjen get chopped its flight feathers attached, so it can not poke by. Photo: TL2 project / Lukuru foundation

over the past two years has Turkish Airlines and its fragtselskab, Turkish Cargo, otherwise taken several steps to support animal welfare. In november 2017, the affiliated company itself, on fol.a. Buckingham Palace Declaration, which aims explicitly to protect against the trade in wild animals. But already in January 2018 was more than 300 gråpapegøjer discovered in Istanbul, which was smuggled from the DR Congo with Turkish Airlines. In august 2018 was 100 gråpapegøjer dead on arrival, respectively, Kuwait and Lebanon, when the airline was carrying them from the DR Congo via Istanbul, and as late as 18. december 2018 at Turkish Airlines a large batch gråpapegøjer from Nigeria to Lebanon, via Istanbul, shows the World Animal Protection study. the

– It is deeply disturbing. Stories pop up regularly in the media, and we have evidence that the Turkish Airlines has transported these endangered animals. Our own study demonstrates that african gråpapegøjer seized in countries such as Nepal, Lebanon and Kuwait, have been freighted with Turkish Airlines, explained Cassandra Koenen, who is the global responsible for the exotic animals of the World Animal Protection.

In the whole of 2018 has the World Animal Protection, examined the chain of commerce for the exotic birds that end up as pets all around the world. When the bird is captured, pickaxes poachers its flight feathers attached. Ago stopped 60-80 gråpapegøjer down in a box the size of a suitcase. More than every other bird dies along the way, finds kampagnemedarbejder Stephanie Kruuse Klausen from the World Animal Protection Denmark:

– The are wild animals, not accustomed to being held captive. The indfangningsmetoden is incredibly stressful for the birds. They are hunted out of their social bunch and get brutally chopped their flight feathers attached. The square in fragtkassen is extremely urge, and it’s dirty, full of excrement, and poorly maintained. The birds lose their feathers, and many get trauma that affects them for the rest of life – if they then survive, explains Stephanie Kruuse Klausen.

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Gråpapegøjerne during transportation with Turkish Airlines. Photo credit: World Animal Protection

the World Animal Protection will, therefore, have Turkish Airlines to live up to the commitments made by the airline itself has been to join. Everything else is hypocritical and an affront to animal welfare, believes Cassandra Koenen, global responsible for the exotic animals of the World Animal Protection. the

– Trade in wild animals is a gigantic industry that requires clash of the participation to be dissolved. Turkish Airlines is a giant in the travel market, and that is why it is so important, that the carrier shall immediately stop the consignment of wild animals in their cargo. The staff should be able to stop this freight is already at the check-in. This is the whole idea to commit itself through international treaties. Until the Turkish Airlines can handle this responsibility, they should completely stop with the consignment of wild animals, says Cassandra Koenen.

the World Animal Protection has presented the charge to the carrier without receiving answers or responses.

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the Poachers captures gråpapegøjerne and pushing 60-80 birds into a box the size of a suitcase, before they are sent illegally out of the country. Photo: Lwiro Sanctuary

Facts about the endangered species of gråpapegøjer

in Order to protect the endangered species of gråpapegøje implemented the CITES (international convention for the control of trade across national borders, with wild animals and plants, ed.) a number of measures in 2016, which would ensure the survival of the species.

due To the extensive illegal trade with gråpapegøjer is the stock dropped by 79 % in the last 50 years. Up to 20 percent of the stock of wild gråpapegøjer a year are trapped.

Gråpapegøjen is found only in a number of african countries located at the Equator.

A report from the u.s. Center for Advanced Defense Studies (C4ADS) identified in 2018, to at least 136 countries worldwide in the period 2009-17 has been used as a transit point for air transport of wild animals. In the report it also appears that countries in the Middle east is the largest transit points for the transportation of a particularly wild animals from Africa.