The cattle of the bulls in seville Leopoldo de la Maza Ybarra, count of la Maza, has sent his cattle entirely to the slaughterhouse, except a lot of cattle sold to a private individual, according to confirmed to Efe own breeder.

“he Had a lot of time madurándolo and it was decided that when the culmination of the season this year had everything” has confessed the Club, who has pointed out that the process already began last year, “sending a lot of cows to the slaughterhouse and popular festivities”.

Of The hub, which itself will keep the iron and its rights to ranchers on behalf of society, family, has confessed that there have been wanting to go back to the race of livestock. “I’m tired and I don’t want to. I could have gone with some cattle and deal of federal, but this is impossible. This is the way it is. The bullfighters want to fight they en iyi casino siteleri want to fight and the Anadolucasino bosses want to buy what you want to buy,” he pointed out.

The history of the livestock that grazed in the historic Cortijo de Arenales the term sevillian of Morón of the Border contained in the first purchases of cattle in the years 30 of the XX century by Leopoldo de la Maza, conde de la Maza, grandfather of the last rancher.

In the hands of his son of the same name and title, bullock acquired sign and the definitive character, in particular from the purchase of a point of livestock origin Núñez, who, in addition to the above cattle, gave personality to finally livestock, which was directed by Leopoldo de la Maza Ybarra from the death of the previous count in July 2002.

livestock Conde de la Maza, which is announced on the posters, dealt its last bullfight on the 15th of August in the madrid suburb of Ashen, in a sign that included the killers of bulls Octavio Chacón, Alberto Lamelas and José Carlos Venegas.

One of his latest hits cattle in the plaza de la Maestranza was on the run from the Corpus of 2014, when a bull of their livestock, dealt as a hat, led to a great faena starring the right-hander Pepe Moral.