The race taurine Octavio Chacón (Prado del Rey, Cádiz, 1984) is a long, sustained, and victorious love story to the toro bravo. He is convinced that his vocation, his patience and a faith that is superhuman in its capabilities are the pillars of a happy resurrection, after 14 years of struggle and sacrifice without apparent reward.

Its history is a curious adventure novel, one of the many who star in the heroic aspirants to the glory of bullfighting, but with a surprise ending, —unexpected, perhaps—, and happy; a novel peppered with a steely confidence in their conditions as a bullfighter; a capacity for self-denial, extraordinary and of an unlimited effort to acquire knowledge and office to the waiting of an opportunity that was presented when neither he himself expected.

Against all odds —has served 34 years and is a veteran wearing the suit of lights— was recognized as a bullfighter revelation of the last Fair of San Isidro, and that discovery marked the start of a season which he qualifies now as “the most beautiful” of his life. Madrid he discovered his torería lidiadora which he was charged, after, spread through Pamplona, Bilbao and other places of prestige before the bulls more serious in the field.

The hobby has adopted it as a bullfighter pop-up, full of courage and craft, and Octavio Chacón, countenance serious, withdrawn, and of few words, sketch out a shy smile and confesses that it is happy.

“My idea is to stay as a bullfighter in the ranches toristas”

The truth is that you have another good reason to become one: you will be father for the first time one of these days. “That child does not come with a bread under the arm, but with a bakery,” he says.

Octavio Chacón became a bullfighter of child playing at the bull in the streets of his village of cadiz; took the alternative in El Puerto de Santa Maria on February 28, 2004, and the dream looked forward to the bonus veren bahis siteleri new slayer soon turned into despair. Came “the break”, as they called the matador. “Not toreaba much, but it was tempting in the field, and he never lost contact with the bull”, he adds. “I was standing professionally, but grew as a person.”

And so on, until, tired of complaining and guilt in his environment, he decided to travel to Peru.

Octavio Chacón, on the 24th of June in the plaza de Las Ventas. Plaza1

the year was 2007, and as an immigrant more came to the south american country, where he spent eight seasons, until 2014, away from his parents and his partner, toreando 10 or 12 runs —a score of celebrations including festivals— a year and won the silver enough to survive in a hostel lima. Acquired trade, but he could despair, when he assumed that his effort was not rewarded. Triumphed in Peru, but those hits lacked impact in Spain.

Then, took the decision to become banderillero. Commissioned two dresses of silver, and the 4 of October, 2014 made the paseíllo in the town of avila in Fresnedilla with the belief that this would be his last evening as a matador de toros.

—No I wanted to say goodbye in Peru, and the opportunity I was given by the mayor, José Luis Rodríguez, whom I knew from my early days. I asked my family and friends that accompany me that evening to not feel alone on the day of my farewell to the ranks of murderers.

“I Want to prove that I’m back to stay”

The bulls announced they belonged to the cattle of the Joseph School, and it came out Hot, a brave example of that Chacon was able to demonstrate all of the knowledge learned in south american lands. The award, unthinkable, hours before, was Betorder the pardon of the animal, and the start of a brand-new stage for the bullfighter. So, farewell to imminent became a resurrection unexpected.

That victory opened the doors of the Tiétar Valley, known as Valley of Terror, to which Chacon has been dubbed the “the hope” (“because there I curtí as bullfighter”). In may 2016, a run of the Cure of Valverde in the French town of Alès was announced in the neighbouring country; hence, the first challenge of livestock in The Sales, in September of 2017 with bulls of Saltillo and Juan Luis Fraile. Although he could not succeed by the difficulties of his lot, that appearance was the prelude of his first appearance at the Fair of San Isidro.

The event was the 4th of June, with bulls from the same cattle that were docile, broncos, very, very difficult and impossible for the modern bullfighting. The first of the afternoon was given to a return to the ring very protested after an incomprehensible decision of the president. With that bull, said the chronicles, Chacón, well planted, are showed with clear ideas and a good concept of toreo; said depth with the cloak and drew a couple of batches of straight rights quenched that knew to glory.

That afternoon it became clear that the bullfighter from cadiz is a value to be taken into account. That afternoon began a new stage of your life.

we left Behind the experience in Peru.

“those years Were hard, especially being away from home and separated from my family, but there I felt alive professionally. It is true that I suffered many crises, because, sometimes, the patience despairs. For that reason, the last season I came to the conviction that I could not take it anymore, and I made the decision to become banderillero. The only thing I wanted and want is that my life depends on the bull, and to be subordinate is also important. I chose enchanted by this way with no penalty whatsoever.”

MORE INFORMATION does Anyone know how much you earn a bullfighter?, fortune or misery, the party is a ruin, The congress of Murcia, good will over the indolence of the bullfighting Talavante says goodbye: what a rarity, a butt fat or a removal?

Now, the situation has changed and the goal is different…

“Now, my goal is to fit into the cumshots toristas. I have found my site and that I want to stay. It would be the realization of the dream of my life. I think that I am something more than a bullfighter lidiador, but in this type of farms also go out bulls that can do the bullfighting. My idea at this point is to stay as a bullfighter in the ranches toristas. So it is”.

– And what has been the fate of the two dresses of silver?

“One of them, I’ve placed this season as a matador, and the other one I have saved at home. You never know if I will need in the coming year…”.

-you will Be happy note…

“I Am aware of that has changed my life. I have given reasons for that the fans believe in me, and my goal is to keep it that way. I will try to not have more stops in my life: should I demonstrate that I have come back to stay”.

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