An operative of the National Police against groups that control the market of narcotics in the capital of Galicia has culminated Tuesday with twelve detainees and more than 8,800 doses of drugs seized in one of the largest raids against the trafficking and sale of substances in Santiago de Compostela. One of the detainees he was moved to a house in Ibiza valued at a million euros.

Cocaine, MDMA, hashish and marijuana in doses prepared for sale were bugged by agents of the police station in Santiago. During the records also seized 58.000 euros in cash, a vehicle, a compressed air gun and many useful for the traffic of drugs.

The operation Tide has developed in several stages since last June the Police started an investigation after a brawl between rival groups vying for control of the sale of narcotic drugs in the city for the debt of a starting drug.

officers focused the investigation of the environment of the alleged attackers, discovering that one of them, a spaniard in 37 years, he was engaged in the distribution of narcotics from the middle, catering to young camels of Santiago and bordering municipalities such as Teo and Ames.

According to the Police, this individual was related to people linked with the drug trade, mainly in the area of Cambados (Pontevedra), and took security measures to detect possible traces of the police force. The agents proceeded to their detention, and in two house searches Betpapel in the towns of Bertamirans and Brion are located drugs and cash.

According to the investigation, the drug came from points in the ria of Arousa and the intermediary was this dealer, and James who supplied narcotics to smaller scale to groups of vendors from the capital of santiago. So, the Police reversed the past month of September, two black points bahis bonusu of sale of drugs, some of them very similar to school zones, saldándose this second phase of the operation with the arrest of three other people.

In other records later in Santiago, seized various amounts of hashish, marijuana, cocaine, cash, and useful for the preparation of the dose that led to the arrest of a couple of vendors. In the home of these was seized significant amounts of narcotics, including rock of MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) of high purity, which was the greatest apprehension, held in Santiago, of this substance.

In the last phase of this operation, the researchers proceeded to the arrest of the drug dealer, Cambados and four other people, all between the ages of 27 and 34 years. In total, there were seven house searches in the municipalities of Santiago, A Coruña, spain and Cambados, where they seized more drugs and cash.

The research was coordinated by civil servants attached to the Group of Narcotics Brigade of the Local Judicial Police of the police Station of Santiago de Compostela and the arrested were placed at the disposal of the Court of Instruction number 3, James I ordered the imprisonment of three of them, the rest being released with precautionary measures.