MORE INFORMATION A pregnant woman dead and 13 missing after shipwreck of a boat on the sea of Alborán Sanchez claims to Morocco that reduce irregular immigration

the phone Rings, the travellers of a boat adrift in contact with activists to warn them that sail without direction, with the boat half sunk. She gets right in warning device that alerts Rescue at Sea to locate shipwrecks. The crew located several occupants in the water, among them, a pregnant woman who is quickly rescued and taken by helicopter to Almeria. Just give signs of life while we practised resuscitation on the way to hospital. After taking earth, you can only certify the death of the young, which adds to the disappearance of 13 people in one of the largest rescues of the year and history: 894 people who were traveling in 18 barges were moved, in less than 24 hours, from different points of the sea of Alborán in Malaga, Almeria, Motril and Melilla.

the end of the calm summer has not discouraged the departure of boats from neighbouring african coast. When at the beginning of the month, Issa jumped into the sea in Morocco not even thought that you would find with one of the storms that have lashed the south of Spain since the beginning of the fall. There, on the beach of Nador, where they embarked this malian woman of 21 years along with 55 fellow countrymen, no one spoke of alerts yellow or orange, nor heavy rains, nor of the stormy sea. “When we left [the weather] was ok,” recalls young, “as of Monday morning, had worsened”. That morning in the sea “was terrible no, what next”, according to remember one of the crew of the lifeboat that rescued the patera of Issa, killed 13 men, possibly cold, and 18 others disappeared between the waves of the Sea of Alborán.

The wreck that survived Issa last November 5 is the worst on record in Spain since 2009, although fatalities occur almost daily. In November alone, have killed 66 people who were trying to reach the Spanish coasts from neighboring Morocco, the majority of sub-saharan africa. According to data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 2018 Bahis Siteleri is the deadliest year in the path of the Western Mediterranean since at least 2014, with 631 deaths and disappearances recorded to date compared to the 165 of 2017.

The trickle of arrivals has been relentless, especially in autumn, when the weather has begun to worsen. To find figures similar to this Thursday, we must go back to 2006, during the so-called crisis of the cayucos. Then, 1.268 migrants were rescued during a week-end of August between Gran Canaria, Tenerife and El Hierro. The data continues to be a record, but peaks similar between 800 and 1,000 people rescued have been registered since June of this year in the andalusian coast, and Ceuta and Melilla.

The memory of 2006, when they came 39.180 people, the majority of the Canary islands, is already a distant reference. This year that roof has flown by. According to the data compiled by the Ministry of Interior until the middle of this month arrived on the Spanish coasts 49.997 people. Only in November, Sea Rescue has rescued 3.110 people riding in 90 boats. It is an average of almost four boats daily (135 people per day) in a month that is not even the one that more output registers.

The fall is a record breaker

October was, however, the month of the historical numbers with the arrival of 10.243 people. In these 31 days were recorded, almost half of the 22.103 arrivals by sea from 2017, and more than any year in the last decade, according to data from UNHCR, the UN agency for Refugees.

This record figure confirms a trend registered in the whole of the Mediterranean: the emergence in the exit of small boats during the fall. All environment worth to reach the European promised and brave the cold and the storms: from barges rotten fishing, to small inflatable boats toy. September, October and November are, with some variation, the months in which most migrants took to the sea path to Spain, but also Italy or Greece. The data challenge the theories that point to a greater migratory flow during the summer.