about 1,600 museums and collections that are scattered throughout Spain are preparing for a new quality control. It will be a pioneering experience in the world, and guaranteed the public the provision of services that will distinguish from each other. From 2019 onwards, those who look in their facades the new brand called seal Q will belong to a club apart.

This Monday presented the initiative in the Sorolla Museum, the ministry of Culture and of Industry, Trade and Tourism. Part of the Institute for Quality Tourism (ICTE) and aims to improve performance in this area face the user, but above all visitors domestic and foreign. Cultural tourism is one of the most powerful charms for this sector to increase their numbers by around 5% each year. And a large part of the blame falls on the museums: “they Are certainly very responsible for this exponential growth,” says Miguel Mirones, president of ICTE.

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the agency, therefore, public and private are put to work in a rule published last September in the Official State Bulletin(BOE). Addresses, according to the name itself of the provision, “requirements for the provision of the service visits in the museums”. The first thing that ciumple features is the MARQ of Alicante and its seal Q will be delivered next Tuesday.

“museums are certainly very responsible for this exponential growth in tourism,” says Miguel Mirones, president of ICTE.

Under the mantle of the ministry of Culture –specifically that of the general subdirectorate of State Museums – have been implicated in its development over the course of 15 months, more than 40 institutions in the field of museums, including the Prado, the Reina Sofia, the Thyssen-Bornemisza museum, the Lázaro Galdiano, the Guggenheim in Bilbao, the MACBA and the Picasso museum in Barcelona, the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia or the Museum of Human Evolution in Burgos…

The new provision sets out the requirements that museums and similar institutions are recognized in sectoral legislation -collections, collections museum exhibitions museum and interpretation centres – must comply in the provision of their services visit and follow-up activities to ensure, facilitate and enrich the visitor experience.

Contains three sections. The first one is dedicated to the obligations of the address of the museum in relation to the system of quality management. In it, include aspects such as the establishment of objectives, the human resources or the commitment to continuous improvement. The second refers to the provision of the service and includes recommendations and requirements on accessibility, information and communication. Also attention to the visitor, reservation and ticketing, visit or loyalty of the users. Canlı Bahis According to this, “the museum must ensure that the contents are clear, understandable and are located in a coherent way so that the visitor can orientate and inform themselves properly,” states the ICTE.

finally, the third section, deals with the management of the facilities and equipment, or includes aspects such as the clarity of the signals or the security, exhibition space, toilets, commercial area and parking.

The Institute for Quality Tourism has been promoted up to the moment 22 similar regulations in different fields ranging from hotels, resorts, travel agencies, natural parks, beaches or wineries. According to Miguel Mirones, “the quality in tourism management must necessarily include values such as sustainability, accessibility and respect for the environment and become the core of the design of the tourism policy future for Spain”. There are full cultural institutions: “The fact that the main Spanish museums has been added to this proposal, promoted by the ICTE, highlights in the first place, that the agents of the cultural tourism are very aware of the important role that they happen to play in the future of the Spanish tourism and wagering clearly play this role by relying on quality as a fundamental principle of its action”.

The Reina Sofia has shown good response to the standard:“We have actively participated in the technical meetings of elaboration of the norm to share our extensive experience in attention to the visitor. It is crucial to think about the museums from whom it goes to them, and not just from the collections or the exhibitions”, says Carmen Castañón, a consultant to address. “The process of self-evaluation and continuous improvement which form part of the standard is a very valuable tool. We are lucky to be one of the great national museums, and among the most visited year after year. That provides us a great experience it is to identify and define necessary parameters of the provision of the service visits. We know our visitors, we employ techniques of big data, committed to continually return and to attract new audiences”, she adds.

From the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection, Vincent Perez, head of general services and care to the public, says: “it Is necessary to create a framework that will refine and certify the quality of the visits. Between 1,600 museums we should be demanding certain standards. Those who visit our campuses and see the Q mark on the door you will know that in the museum you will not only enjoy the experience of looking at works of art or other tractivos, you will also have the assurance that you are going to feel a experience of treatment and guarantees much more complete”.