Pedro Sánchez does not seem particularly worried by the decision of two prisoners of the procés putting on a hunger strike. “It is evident that there is a good news”, he admitted at the press conference in Buenos Aires at the end of the G20 summit, but it was quickly corrected: “But the reasons that justify that action [the hunger strike] are not true. The prisoners are going to have a fair trial.” Sanchez insisted on three occasions that it did not see reason for the hunger strike, and in addition does not believe that this decision will influence the stability of your Government and even be able to complicate it so much that forces you to advance their plans around election time. “We are not in favor of discuss the policy, but not to politicize justice. Respect judicial independence,” insisted the president.


Sanchez defends multilateralism and looking for a deal on migration of The plan of Sánchez to limit the aforamientos has no allies in the Congress

Sanchez comes out satisfied of his first G-20 mainly because it has sought a hole to achieve a prominence higher than it should be a country that is not a permanent member but only a guest, such as Spain. The team of Sanchez chose to focus, in coordination with its european partners, to ensure that the immigration came in the final communiqué. And he succeeded, although with a paragraph sufficiently ambiguous and vague as to what they could support all, including the united States and Australia, the more resistance they had in this matter, according to Spanish sources.

“We have taken a leadership role on the issue of migration. We have overcome the strong resistance of some countries to include the issue of the refugees in the final communiqué. We couldn’t leave here without sending a clear message to the citizenry that this is a global issue and it must be treated. We have achieved that in the next G20 in Japan to include on the agenda the issue of migration”; bragged about Sanchez. The text points out that the Bahisarena G20 expressed its concern about the refugee crisis from a humanitarian point of view, social and political and is committed to find common solutions.

But while giving this message to treat globally the problem of migration, Sanchez threw a speech harder on a delicate matter, this is what will make Spain with the fishing picked up on Thursday of last week to 12 immigrants off the coast of Libya. Sanchez asked why it hosted the Aquarius 630 refugees in June and now does not want to do with 12. “Because before, there was not a safe port, a harbour nearby, and now, yes,” replied Sanchez pointing that immigrants should return to Libya, a country that NGOS insist in rejecting as a safe harbor for violence against the migrants. The own Spanish ambassador in Libya lives in Tunisia due to the increasing instability. Sanchez, however, insisted that the vessel should comply with the law and leaving the immigrant in the nearest port. “All of us are subject to international law and community, that is clear. Note that in cases like this what you have to do is go to a nearby port and safe. I ask the ship’s master who respects the law,” he said in a tone hard.

The president also took the opportunity to launch a message of defense of multilateralism and free trade, and got though with the caution characteristic of a day of reflection on the elections in andalusia. “I am concerned about the emergence of the far right in Andalusia and two games [for PP and Citizens] you see dragged into a discourse of extremist and exclusionary that does not represent the centre-right Spanish. I want a win and win well [by Susana Díaz] but the important thing is that there are no blockages and that it is permitted to govern for the win tomorrow”, finished off.