HIM-star essence was somekansan opinion changed. Light occur in Emma-gala Agents-the band with.Thus he has changed! In the video you can see a picture of Ville valo from over the years.
Emma-gala culminated Ville valo & Agentsin the show, when the configuration presented Rauli ”Badding” sommer river window princess-klassikka I passed. The Show was at the same time HIM:no bow picture to return to the domestic stage for spectacular ways.
tours Agents-the band with along the spring. There will also soon publish an album, which belongs to the Badding previously unreleased music.
the gala audience was bet excited, as the tv cameras would, for example, Martina genuine magazine dancing wildly female friends with her.
Ville valo & Agentsin the show you can see for example Box. The presentation talk was also on social media. Especially in light of the appearance sparked debate. Eagle-eyed had noticed that 42-year-old singer would appear before younger. Her characterisation was even ”scary fresh-looking”.
– Ville valo is 42v? I’m sorry I want the same skin care routine and serums, the man says he’s getting younger in the eyes, one of the comments on Twitter.
Also, for example, Light teeth affected many feels … different than before. For example, the jodel was in numerous start-ups in the light of the teeth.
What Ville valo of the teeth has occurred, the jodel in wonder.
the Debaters wondered what Light the teeth has occurred. Many thought the singer’s resort to the veneers for you.
Twitter also self-presentation, collected speeches. The internationally successful singing charisma was praised and the show was considered a sensitive and beautiful interpretation.
– Ville valo doing a great service to the Finnish pop songs/iron wire for music. Great show!
Ville valo & the Agents decided to Emma-gala Rauli ”Badding” Somerjoki window princess-hittiin. Screen capture/SCREEN NELONEN media wool Light appearance sparked a debate on social media. Screen capture/SCREEN NELONEN Media Ville valo looked like in 2014. AOP