The feeling of rejection of independence increases in the Basque Country. The last Sociómetro of the basque Government reveals that the population that is declared against the separation of Spain increased four points so far this year and stands at 37%, the highest percentage since 1998, when it began to be performed in this statistical series. The support for the cause pro-sovereignty maintains a stable 22% of the basque population, especially among the voters of the nationalist left.


DOWNLOADABLE See here the last Sociómetro basque A large majority of basques want more self-government within the Statute

The survey results confirm a downward trend of the sentiment for independence in the Basque country, precisely at a time that is in the center of the political debate the reform of the Statute of Gernika and the bet pro-sovereignty that the PNV and EH Bildu, the two main political parties, the basques, the that they have agreed a text update regional is committed to supporting the recognition of Euskadi as a nation.

The last Sociómetro Basque Cabinet of Prospecting Sociological of the basque Government, which has as its central theme an analysis of the “democratic culture” in this autonomous region, has been elaborated with the data obtained after performing 3.149 individual interviews in the Basque Country between 25 September and 6 October last.

In the previous wave of the Sociómetro, carried out in may of 2018, a third of the basque population (33%) declared to be contrary to the independence, a percentage that now stands at 37%. It is an index that has no precedent in the Basque Country. You have to go back to 2016 in order to find the previous peak antiindependentista, when it was 35%.

The polling official also reflects that the percentage of supporters of independence has also increased, although to a lesser extent, the move from 21 to 22 per cent in the last six months. Among the respondents, 29% stated that they would agree or disagree with this option for rupture with the State “under the circumstances”. Another 13% of basques not pronounced.

Betgram The x-ray shows a similar reality to that of the last Euskobarómetro of the University of the Basque Country (UPV). According to this study demoscópico a quarter of basque citizens (28%) continues to manifest a willingness great of independence; in front of them, a majority of 65% say they have a few (25%) or no (40%) a desire for independence.

The opening of a process pro-sovereignty is the preferred choice for the voters of EH Bildu (70%) and only 16% of the supporters of the PNV supports. In contrast, the rejection of the pathway to independence grows up to 79%, and 75% among the voters of socialists and the PP basque, respectively. The survey reveals a curious fact that the support for independence rose six points (from 2% to 8%) among the voters of the PP.

The Sociómetro also raises questions about the policy preferences of the basques. In this section, the PNV is still the party that most sympathies awake, with 4.7 points on a scale of 10, while the PSE-EE is the only policy option that has improved its level of acceptance in the past six months, going from 3.2 to 3.5 points. It gives a tie between EH Bildu and Elkarrekin we Can as a second policy option more popular in the Basque country.

The lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, is the only political representative that achieves the approved, with 5.4 points out of 10 (one tenth less than in may), followed by the mayor of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia (5,2), and the general deputy of Bizkaia, Unai Rementeria (5), all of them of the PNV.

The situation on the labour market figures among the main social concerns (66%), ahead of housing and evictions (14%), pensions (13%), and immigration and the problems associated with it (12%). As a question novel, the Sociómetro deals with the agreement of the European Commission to suppress the shift of winter and summer in the EU. 52% of the respondents is in favour of it, compared with 24% who prefer to keep the situation as up until now. 20% are indifferent to this issue. The majority (57%) opted for the summer time and only 13% are leaning to the winter.