on June 22, 1986, Diego Armando Maradona turned against England the goal that made him eternal. But that masterpiece would not be the same without the story of Victor Hugo Morales (Cardona, Uruguay, 1947). As infected by the magic that lived in the Azteca stadium of Mexico City, the “barrel cosmic” Moral improvised that memorable evening what established himself as the best reporter of football of Argentina. Morales spoke to THE COUNTRY in Buenos Aires, hours before flying to Madrid for the transmission of the final of the Copa Libertadores.

Question. By what in Spain as the venue for the final?


infighting for power in the bars bravas D’onofrio: “What happened in the Superclásico should be the 11-S argentine”

Response. do Not give me the impression that it has to do with the accepted corruption in argentine football as in the Conmebol. Were just here the authorities of the Conmebol and FIFA and gives the impression that they happened to call Madrid. Florentino Perez is a guy with business interests here, has 30% of the tolls of a highway of entry into Buenos Aires, the sponsor is a Spanish bank, the interests close. The television, which is the interest more importantly, you may have gravitated to please.

Q. How have you lived in Argentina the transfer of the party?

A. Is a shame, a national disaster. In the simplicity of having to take a bus to a stadium, what happened is a lack of skill formidable. But this ends with a fact that is also positive. The argentinian of Europe, that have football as a fundamental bond of belonging to your country, you can live what you always see on television. It is an act of justice to big fans of soccer.

Q. can Match with those that say “we stole the game” or that now the cup should be called Cup “conquerors”?

A. No one stole the holiday to Argentina, it was Madrid as it could have been Miami or any other city. The fact that it is in Spain and you call it Copa Libertadores —and assumes that we are freed from Spain— makes you call it a Cup Conquerors. Hence the play on words, invites us to say that, but there is disgust with Spain. There are already reasons for the happiness of those who will meet him there, and because a scenario as much prestige as the Bernabeu will give you a international, more the fact. The fact is pathetic, it is a shame, but in her belly traveling some positive things.

Q. Can there be incidents on Saturday in the Bernabeu?

A. What could happen in Spain, it is unpredictable, because fans of River are buying tickets, where are the Boca and Boca fans entries where you are the River. Going to have to match, any outbreak of violence, any spark ignites a bomb. The danger is latent and not alone by the bar bravas, but also by the bigotry that is latent among the argentines today. The fact that they are the majority that live outside and the nostalgia soccer can be an invitation to Oslobet Argentina to be an example of coexistence that here would be unimaginable, but the sale of tickets gives a prognosis complicated.

Q. How come the bars bravas to acquire so much power?

A. bars, that before fight club with club, 20 years ago, they understood that they could participate in the business. That’s why there are divisions between the own bars, are more frequent fights between bars of the same team. There have been killings between River and Boca, have been killed by the participation in the business. The bar is a man who, in the love for the club walk around the club, he accompanies the players, is a supporter of other fans, wins the esteem and vision has a direct corruption is that they begin to ask for participation: entries, security in parking lots in the immediate vicinity of the stadium, the tickets for the festivals that are held in these stadiums. And that is a huge business that they defend with tooth and nail. And the leaders can’t control them.

Q. how the attack on The bus of Mouth was the work of the bar of the River?

A. were Not directly the bars, were spontaneous among those who were not the bars, at least not organically, because someone could have. It is an aggressiveness that has to do with the football and the violence experienced in Argentina in general. We have a minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, which is a [JAIR]Bolsonaro in women. Has played that cocktail more the general violence that is lived from the rise of a neoliberal Government.

Q. How can you expect the match in football?

A. Will be a match very tense, the situation is limit for the two, the experience of defeat is becoming worse and worse in the world and the second is a poor wretch. And this may sound strange, but I think that the party could not play because the terror of losing all the fans pushing them to not play that match as desired. In the non-acceptance of the defeat is stronger than the fear of defeat, the joy of victory. The triumph is a pique of glory that is living in the moment, but after it is like the doctor who is left on the steps of the school with its title and says that this will be the best day of your life and then not know what to do. The defeat is something that is going to abide to the loser for his whole life, an instance like this is not like losing a championship. Sometimes I think that wills added push that the facts happen. Previously that happened, I had the perception that many had a huge fear of defeat and that all are pushed to this reality than we have now. For all was more comfortable that was resolved in the desktops, because nobody would have to regret that defeat.