The culture in Spain is a diverse picture and in continuous expansion in 2017 amounted to 3.3% of GDP and 3.7% of total employment, according to figures published this Friday by the Ministry of Culture in its Yearbook of cultural statistics. When you get down to the detail of each section emerge figures that may surprise you. We have collected the most interesting of this study which has as its basis the National Statistical Plan and collects data on your greater part of 2017.

Who funds the culture in the public sphere?

The average expenditure per household linked to the culture was 718,3 euros in 2017

In 2016, the spending led the local administrations (3.083 million, or 0.28 percent of GDP), followed by regional (1.054 and 0.09%) and central (662 million, 0,06%). The sum total represents a 0.43% of GDP. Against this, the cultural activities contribute 2.5% of the producer gross domestic.

how Much is spent by the spaniards in cultural consumption?

In 2017, the household expenditure on cultural goods and services amounted to 13.298,4 million euros, representing 2.5% of the estimated total expenditure on goods and services. For the first time in five years, recorded a decline (5.7%) in this section. The average expenditure per household linked to the culture was 718,3 euros, per person, of 288,6 euros. The components most significant expenditure cultural analyzed are: mobile services and Internet-related (25%); books (14.7%) and shows such as “cinemas, theatres and other” (12.6 per cent).

do you Spend more foreign tourists?

Several customers at the bookstore Panta Rhei, Madrid. Inma Flowers

The travel of residents in Spain for cultural reasons go back down and remain in the 6.5% of the total (they were 7.9% in 2016). Are the 12.5 million offsets. If we look at the tourists from outside, the percentage reaches 15.7% of trips, with an increase of up to 60% on the previous year. The total expenditure is of 6.747 billion for travellers residents in Spain and of 13.923 billion to foreign tourists.

cultural Habits. Who is going where?

The figures from the ministry indicate that listening to music, reading and going to the movies are the cultural activities carried out most frequently by the Spanish population. The cinema remains the cultural show preferred by the spaniards, with rates of annual attendance of 54%. Even so, on average each resident comes to the cinema 1.9 times per year, according to the European Audiovisual Trbet Observatory. Each year, 43.5% of the population attends live shows. Highlights include the concerts of current music, with rates of 24.5% and the attendance at the theatre, with 23.2%. It’s a fact that these data are for September of 2015.

In 2017 had 3.618 exhibition rooms, in which were projected 415 Spanish films and 1.391 foreign.

how many people going to the museums?

The majority of the institutions investigated by the data of the Survey of the active Population are publicly-owned (70,8%); 27% are owned by private and mixed 2.2%. The 1.521 museums investigated received 59.9 million of visitors throughout 2016, a figure that represents an increase of 2.6% compared to 2014. The average number of visits per open-air museum came to the 40.452.

how Many libraries are there in Spain?

According to the Statistics of Libraries compiled by the INE, the number of libraries amounted in 2016 6.636, a figure that represents an average of 14.3 libraries per 100,000 inhabitants. Each of them has on average 1.3 points of service. The number of users is 22.3 million (80% of them adults) and the number of visitors to libraries in 2016 is of 197,1 million.

What books are edited and by whom? In addition to the already known figure of the stud digital (three out of every 10 books published in Spain) it should be noted that 91% of the books published for private initiative and for them to 88,000 were first editions and 1.843 reissues. Social sciences (30.4 per cent), literary creation (24.2 per cent) and science and technical books (14%) dominate in the preferences of the editors.

are There more or less film viewers? How many foreign films you see?

The number of viewers in 2017 stood at 99,8 million, with a collection of 591,3 million euros. These figures represent interannual decreases of 2% and 1.8%, respectively. With regard to the Spanish cinema, the spectators amounted to 17.4 million and the proceeds to 103 million euros, while the foreign films exhibited throughout 2017 obtained 82.5 million viewers and a collection 488,3 million euros. In 2017 had 3.618 exhibition rooms, in which were projected 415 Spanish films and 1.391 foreign.

how Many concert halls and spaces of theatre in Spain?

The number of scenic areas are situated, in 2017, at 1,656 preschools, a figure that represents up to 3.6 spaces per each 100,000 inhabitants. With regard to the concert hall, 539 according to figures from 2017, pose 1,2 rooms for every 100,000 inhabitants. In 2017, the number of theatre companies stood at 3.966, and the dance companies in 833.

social Sciences (30.4 per cent), literary creation (24.2 per cent) and science and technical books (14%) dominate in the preferences of the editors

how Much do exports and imports and the sector?

The balance in this area is negative. On the whole, in 2017, the value of exports of goods linked to the culture analyzed was in 1932,9 million euros, compared to imports of 2.319,5 million. Both figures are the highest in a decade in their respective sections. In this context, he highlights the good performance of the publishing sector, books and newspapers, with exports of 610 million and a positive balance of 244.