It’s over a year ago, to Henriette Zobel took leave of eksmanden, in two stages, the former Codan-director Peter Zobel.

the Couple, who have two sons together, were separated when Peter Zobel died in a age of a age of 81, but had a very close relationship to the last.

But now, the 56-year-old designer, yoga teacher and former model found love again in the 54-year-old tobaksarving Erik Færch.

she says in the latest issue of Billed-Bladet.

– We have actually known each other for many years, when his father, a Stone Flight, was jagtven with Peter (Zobel, eds.). We’re just happy for each other and take it quietly, she says to the magazine and gives permission to the couple to mention as lovers.

– even Though I think we have an age where boyfriends sounds a little strange, she adds with a laugh.

Henriette and Peter Zobel at Fredensborg Castle for prince Henrik’s 70th birthday. Photo: Thomas Sjørup

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Erik Færch, who is the son of the deceased mangemillionær Stone the Flight, which was rich in bl.a. shares in Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni, and tobaksenken Her Flight, is – like his new girlfriend – used to appear in the newspaper columns.

for years he has been a part of a spectacular succession, and recently he came again in the media spotlight, when he, in september, was kicked out of his top mother’s pengetank SF Group Aps, where he served as director. In October, he was then deployed again.

the SF Group is suspected of having breached the companies act by to have granted an illegal loan of 15.7 billion dkk. for a Dutch foundation, the character of Erik Færchs now former partner.

For the many millions of having to Erik Færch among other things, have bought luxury apartments in Lisbon.

Henriette Zobel had no comments on the allegations made against the Flight, en Ekstra Bladet met her in september.

– I mix me not in, what their relationship is, and what happens in all the companies. I can not find out. But I can relate me to be there as a friend, says Henriette Zobel, who also enjoy talking with Erik Færch Peter Zobel.

Erik Stone the Flight with her mother, Her Flight. Photo: Claus Bech/Ritzau Scanpix

See also: Tobaksenkes son kicked out of the family business

All the indications are that the Sable and the Flight has been dating for some months. Erik Færch has for a long time referred to Sable as his ‘angel’, but as late as in september rejected her, that the two should be Ultrabet in a relationship.

– I am not in girlfriend mode at all. So, believe me, she told Extra Magazine.

But in november, she confirmed then that the two old friends have now become something more. ‘Love you’ she wrote on Instagram to a picture of the two together in Portugal.

Here it appears also, that they have had a visit by Henriette Zobels two sons.

the Extra Leaf has repeatedly tried to get a comment from both Henriette Zobel and Erik Færch, but they have not returned our inquiries.

Tobaksfamilien Flight has, since the liberal branch of the dynasty’s patriarch, See Faerch, died in 2005, was the subject of a arvestrid, all of which have had public attention.

Patriarkens widow, Her Flight, by the city court and high court required a three-digit million amount of daughter Merethe Færch as a substitute for the mother after the death of her husband felt pressure to sell shares in the company Færch Holding to his daughter.

the Shares showed up after the sale to be worth far more, as Færch Holding sold a portion of them in the st for the u.s. tobaksgigant British American Tobacco.

Her Flight lost the case against the daughter by the district court in Elsinore in may 2014 and in november 2015 led to the widow, yet a defeat by the Eastern high Court.

In February 2016 put He final sentence in the case with the decision that the 85-year-old woman can not have the case tried by the Supreme court, since it could not be assessed in principle.

Stone Færch was married to Her Flight. Before his death, changed the father his will, so the son was not satisfied with the valuable of voting A-shares, such as Erik Færch had otherwise expected. Photo: Polfoto

Outside of the spotlight of the economic dispute between the mother and daughter saves, however another economic dispute, in which Stone and Her Færchs son, Erik Færch, plays a central role.

Before his death, changed the father his will, so the son was not satisfied with the valuable of voting A-shares, such as Erik Færch had otherwise expected.

It appears by Her Færchs explanation on the progress in a case against the family’s then-lawyers decided in the Copenhagen city Court in may 2015.

the Change happened allegedly after pressure from the powerful head of the family royal tree branch, Lone Færch, and with Her Merethe Færchs knowledgeable.

Thus stood Erik Færch after his father’s death is truly without the influence and economic share in the family business and its gigantic pengetank.

Since Erik Færch, for years, fought against his sister, hand in hand with mother Her, who according to a number of documents, which Ekstra Bladet has come into possession of, have complied with the now 54-year-old son with sizeable sums of money.

Erik Færch, since 2007, officially has been a resident in Portugal.

Extra Blade 26. november 2015.

Close to the N-millionaires: Familieballade in the fight for the money