DebattÅSIKTSD, qualified nonsense about migrationsavtaletReplik from Cecilia Wikström (L) of the united nations immigration agreements This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: TTKristina Winberg seems to interpret the text of the agreement contains a comprehensive set of new social rights, as well as limitations in the media’s opportunity to report on migration. This is, of course, qualified nonsense, writes Cecilia Wikström (L).DEBATE

REPLICA. For several years, the UN has been working to develop a non-binding agreement on how migration should be managed globally. I participated as a representative of the european Parliament at the UN headquarters in New York, when the work with this migrationspakt, Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, started in september 2016.

Once the final agreement is now being signed in Morocco on 11 december, in the year, it has unfortunately become the subject of myths and political propaganda from the populist extremhöger who simply don’t want to see any form of migration to Europe.

A number of countries have unfortunately announced that they do not intend to sign the agreement.
Kristina Winberg and The sweden democrats are participating in this propaganda campaign against the agreement is no surprise. In a debate article in Aftonbladet, claims Winberg to UN treaty creating a human right to move wherever you want.

She seems to interpret the text of the agreement contains a comprehensive set of new social rights, as well as limitations in the media’s opportunity to report on migration. This is, of course, qualified nonsense.

the Agreement contains 23 points. Most is about making sure that migrants have access to correct identity documents, border controls are working, that there is a reasonable system for returning persons who do not have the right Goldenbahis to be where they are, and action to stop human trafficking, save the lives of especially vulnerable migrants and practices to combat discrimination and racism.

It is true that there is an article which is about ensuring that the migrant workers should have access to their basic human rights, such as the right of all peoples to health services and the children’s right to schooling. This is a matter of course for people who arbetskraftsinvandrat to Sweden, but important to clarify, for example, for the bangladeshi migrant workers, living without, in principle, no rights in Dubai.

All countries commit themselves to protect the freedom of expression

In the section that concerns the media coverage are a couple of formulations of education to ensure that journalists have access to accurate data on migration. At the same time, stated in the same paragraph that all countries commit themselves to protect the freedom of expression and that an open and free debate contributes to a good understanding of how migration works.

To the agreement would endanger the freedom of expression is, therefore, an additional SD-cultivated myth that lacks foundation in reality.

the Truth is that we in our global world, will need to become better at managing migration internationally. It is therefore excellent that the UN has now initiated such a process. The agreement is not binding, but creates a framework within which these issues can be discussed, so that the development in the world can move towards a more orderly, legal migration, instead of the current, uncertain, and irregular migration.

we should of course welcome instead of spreading myths and half-truths in order to scare people up.

Cecilia Wikström (L), Mep

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