Bayern already has a new law on the police, in NRW and lower Saxony, it shall come to pass, and everywhere there is Protest. In Düsseldorf and Hannover, thousands took to the streets. Your concern: restriction of citizens ‘ rights.

Several Thousand people have demonstrated in North Rhine-Westphalia and lower Saxony against the planned tightening of the respective police laws. In the North Rhine-Westphalian capital of Düsseldorf, almost 3000 people went to the police estimate the street, the organizers spoke of 5,000 participants. In the lower Saxony capital of Hannover, according to police, about 2000, according to the organizer, 6000 demonstrators.

More powers to counter-terrorism

With the law, the two state governments, the police want stricter, more powers to anti-terrorism and against the everyday crime. In lower Saxony, up to 74-day preventive detention for offenders and the use Savoybetting of malware to spy on Suspects is provided.

Thilo Weichert, a former data protection officer of Schleswig-Holstein, said at a rally in Hannover: “We have been very much against the complete transillumination of the entire life of the population.” The current instruments of the police are quite sufficient.

Hannover had called for a broad Alliance to the rally.

“step on the road to an authoritarian police state”

A spokeswoman for the Alliance “#NoNPOG” in Hanover, said the planned law would be another step on the road to an authoritarian police state, the civil rights restrictions. There is a coalition of about 150 partners, had called for the protests, including trade unions, environmental groups, anti-fascist initiatives, parties like the Left and the Green party and its youth organizations.

In lower Saxony, the renewal of the police act is one of the Central projects of the red-black coalition government. The SPD and the CDU had announced in its coalition agreement to pass the bill until the end of the year.