A crack in the CDU? This danger of Thuringia CDU chief Mohring sees. In an Interview with tagesschau.de he stressed, however, that there is in the party a strong desire to change. He has a proposal.

tagesschau.de: A new party top with Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Paul Ziemiak – what Signal?

Mike Mohring: The day after the time change in the CDU, this is a day of new beginnings. We have been experiencing for weeks is a Festival of democracy in the CDU with the regional conferences, the content of debates, and now the new Staff line-up. I hope the Signal is A not a ‘so there’, there is a riser, this CDU has understood, and we will position ourselves differently in the future than we have done in the past.

“An important Signal to the Younger”

tagesschau.de: The result for Mrs Kramp-Karrenbauer, however, was already in short supply, and the result for Paul Ziemiak means is, at best, magnificently. Do you have an explanation for this?

Mohring , Perhaps, are too few hours between the election of the Chairman and of the Secretary-General passed. We had three compelling candidates for the parteivo seat and an almost balanced race in the second ballot. Still, it was an important sign that party leaders set up now, across generations. Paul Ziemiak with the young Union, the largest European youth Association. That’s why this is a strong Signal to the Younger ones in the party.

tagesschau.de: two-thirds of all votes are not, However, a strong encouragement. What are the reasons?

Mohring : I would see it in connection with the decision yesterday, which Pasgol was so scarce. But the confidence in the new constellation is there, and now you have to prove with work that it succeeds and bridges in the party and bridges in the society building.

diversity as an opportunity

tagesschau.de: It was here in Hamburg some very spirited warnings of a split in the party. How deep are the cracks in the CDU?

Mohring : I don’t see any cracks and I see no cleavage. Rather, I see this as an opportunity, that there were so many suitable candidates and a balanced result. The party had no trust in any candidate. This strength now needs to be played out. We need to stay prepared – only then will we be a people’s party.

tagesschau.de: What is the feedback you get from your state Association?

Mohring : congratulations, because Michael Kretschmer from Saxony and I were elected to the Bureau. This was an important sign of support for the new countries, and one should not talk small. All are glad, that now a decision has been made. Many say they would have liked Friedrich Merz as the new party boss – that is why the choice is so terse. 18 voices on the other side – and so the choice would be a different story. This underlines once again the desire for change.

tagesschau.de: get What now needs to happen in order for you back in Thuringia, the Landtag election in the coming year?

Mohring : Man, why we got in the recent elections, a lesson must have knowledge. Not because of the party presidency, but because of the lack of confidence in government policy. This trust must be won back. We want to make the margins smaller, the cleavage in the society to overcome. And the Federal government must make a decisive contribution. We need to stop fighting us. We need to have the things we have done to us, to the end. We need to keep the state capable of action, freedom and security guarantee.

celebrate the CDU again achievements, and in the case of elections, …

… had to sit in the new party boss at the Cabinet table, says Mohring.

the party leader needs to influence. Therefore, it would be good if Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer could sit in the foreseeable future, at the Cabinet table. Then it can be a very successful process.

The conversation Eckart Aretz, tagesschau.de
