In England, full british on airports and aircraft are a huge and growing problem. Now considering the department of the interior to qualify in skjenkebevillingstidene at airports, reports The Independent.

A report from the civil aviation authorities show that the number of problems with the full flyplassasjerer more than doubled from 2015 to 2016, and the arrows pointing still up.

holiday paradise there has looked tired on the flyfyll

Now hope the government that a clampdown on skjenketidene can turn the worrying trend. Today, one can drink alcohol all day at the british airports.

Many are rejected on the way into the plane

Reduction in the skjenkebevillingen? It had been nice to get here too! says Elin Lien, head nærpoliti at Gardermoen police station, to the Newspaper.

At the Oslo Airport at Gardermoen have the police deal with intoxicated travelers several times a week. Most be picked up at the street and geleides out of the airport, while others are so drunk that they can’t take care of themselves, and must be transported in fyllearresten.

– Full of passengers is a huge risk on the fly, and that is why many are rejected on the way into the aircraft, ” says Lien.

BEER BEFORE the AIRCRAFT: The british ministry of interior is reviewing open alcohol in the airports. In the Uk the rules are stricter, and innstramminger discussed not. Illustrasjonsfoto: Morten Oak Show more

Good prescreening of passengers in the street do that it is very rare planes have to turn around or make an emergency landing along the way because of intoxicated passengers, it has only been a few episodes this season, according to Lien.

– the Municipality’s responsibility

despite the fact that full passengers are an increasing problem has older and folkehelseminister Annie Michalsen has not been considered to have a closer look at the Norwegian domain name policy.

I expect that the municipalities follow up skjenkebevillinger at airports in accordance with the licensing act. The municipality has the responsibility to control how skjenkebevillingene be exercised. As long as the municipalities relate to the national requirements in the licensing act, they decide for themselves how the sale – and skjenkepolitikken to be in their municipality, type Michalsen in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

She points to the fact that local conditions should be taken into account when municipalities decide how many licensed premises to get a licence, and which skjenketider the different sites will have, so long as it is within the licensing act.

Trades alcohol at duty free

today The british airports allowed to serve alcohol 24 hours a day.

On the Norwegian airports is operated skjenketidene of the respective municipalities. Gardermoen is skjenketidene as open as the law allows.

Asks the tax-free employees remove the “secret” price tags at the Airport: – This should never have happened

It does not mean that you cannot buy alcohol from the clock 06 to 13. Taxfreebutikkene at the Airport is” open as long as it goes the fly”. Even if it’s not allowed to drink outside skjenkestedene, find the police often taxfreeposer with a broken seal and need to talk to people who drink straight from the bottle in public areas.

with a fill at airports is a complex issue. We have the impression that skjenkestedene mostly have control of their guests, but there are also many who drink of it they buy on taxfreen, ” says Lien.

This is a problem Travel Retail Norway as operates taxfreebutikken at Gardermoen have been working with for a long time.

room temperature BEER: the Beer at Gardermoen sold only room temperature. It is consciously. Illustrasjonsfoto: NTB Scanpix Show more

– The most important thing we do is that we deliberately do not sell cold beer from the refrigerator so that it is not going to be ready to drink, says Haakon Dagestad, communications manager at Travel Retail Norway to the Newspaper.

– There are no limitations on when we can sell, but we have clear limits on who we sell to. Intoxicated persons will not act, and strict age verification is a matter of course with us.

Get refreshments on the plane

When one first gets up in the air, are the rules slightly different. Domestic the state skjenkebevillinger which is issued by the ministry of Health as applicable, and it is not allowed to sell drinks that have higher alcohol content than 22.

Foreign, there are other rules that apply.

– It depends on where we fly. On domestic flights in Sweden, for example, where there is dining, you are not allowed to serve alcohol before at 11, ” says Astrid Mannion-Gibson, spokesperson in English.

On the fly from the Uk to abroad is the alcohol from when serveringsvogna starts up. It is also not allowed to drink an on the fly – one of the reasons is that staff should be able to have control with how much the passengers drinks after they have come on the plane.

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It happens the that a passenger in the alley drinking their duty-free purchases as well, which has nothing to do with the opening hours for skjenkingen at the airports to make, says Knut-Morten Johansen, managing director of SAS to the Newspaper.

Small load in the air

Neither SAS or Norwegian often experience problems with intoxicated passengers in the air.

– sometimes it can be that they are being asked to relax for a couple of hours with a cup of coffee before they get to Betasus go, while other times have the police at the airport be contacted due to unpleasant behavior, ” says Johansen.

– Our cabin crew are vigilant in relation to unwanted items what is it that can create unpleasant situations. In the worst case, if it challenges the security in any way, and they will do the necessary grip . It is our staff trained on, for it to be a safe and pleasant journey for all.

– Here all have a responsibility; both the food and beverage outlets at the airports and the cabin crew serving alcohol on board, ” says Mannion-Gibson.

Smakstest of serveringstilbudet on Gardermoens utenlandsterminal Couple of bills

If passengers are so highly intoxicated that there is a risk for security will the captain often make an extra non-scheduled landing if it is possible on the way to your destination.

– If this ends with a non-scheduled landing, it will lead to extra costs for the airline, and this we will most likely require back, ” says Mannion-Gibson.

In 2016, had a Norwegian aircraft to make an emergency landing in Poland because a heavily intoxicated man made trouble and threatened the other passengers on the life. In the aftermath, he was sued by the English for over nok 200,000, and was ordered to pay the airline 96.000 million in damages. In addition, he had to spend 21 days in jail.

“We find that passengers who are intoxicated may also violate the prohibition of smoking on board the aircraft,” says Johansen.

– All of which makes it gets reviewed, and it happens that we require the replacement of several hundred thousand dollars of extra costs that we incur as a result of this. It can be an expensive cigarette!

Full passenger forced the plane to turn around. Regninga: 800 000