International comparisons show that we are resourceful people. List of Finnish inventions over a hundred years.

maternity allowance packaging, free school meals, icebreaker, a variety of snow drop tools, Gefilus products and the smoke bag.

These are all Finnish inventions.

the Finns are a resourceful people. It witnesses the Finnish figure left of the central association’s executive director Maunu Korpela according to international comparisons, let’s see how many patents per capita granted.

– If you look at 10-15 years, so the finns have been in the top 10. It is not a praise, but a pure statement of fact.

the Invention is not just a good idea

Korpela, most inventions come from companies. The largest domestic patents of the company were in 2017 Nokia Technologies, Aalto university foundation, Technological research centre of the VYY and Kemira.

cartoon from the familiar caricature of the inventor of the character is only a small part of the inventors.

– a Lot of inventions coming corporate product development season. This is not to say that other than corporate inventions could become the commercial success stories, but they are rare in the more industrialized states like globally.

the Invention is not only a good idea, but something that can be patent legal protection. Innovation the invention can be appointed at that stage, when the invention is the surprise of the inventor, and customers, and it has become all to familiar loss the story.

– obtain a Patent means that the inventor has exceeded the absolute novelty requirement, meaning anyone in the world could not have obtained the same technical solution to the same technical question ever in human history. So to the extent that the number of patents shows us something.

”Ships are Finnish inventions to display”

for the past 15 years Korpela mind to rise especially in the forest – and ship industry outweigh the factors and the actors.

He mentions, for example, the Finnish shipyards are completed cruisers and ships, where you will find numerous Finnish innovations – had ownership in any.

– Figuring out, for example, energy efficiency, cabin structures and fire safety. Those ships are not just ships, but the Finnish invention of the glass cases. Unfortunately, invention and inventors remain often in the background as a secondary issue.

a Woman inventor is no longer a rarity

the inventors are no longer just men. Korpela, according to the distribution between women and men is a pan-european view, the narrowing.

Previously, patent applications in the world amounted to about 8 percent of women inventors, if you look at the kind of inventions for which there is only one inventor. Now, Korpela assess the chapter to be over 12%.

– If you still consider teams in larger companies, there is a woman come up with ones share considerably higher than ever before. Inventing is in any case not just a certain gender, age or even education links -.

Korpela, Finnish companies have individuals who talk about the inventor of circles patent keisareina.

They have created the Finnish export industry stable, the intangible asset base, without which export would not be possible. You could say that it is economically and socially important issue.

1918ABLOY-lock, Abloy Oy

office machine mechanic Emil Henriksson biscuit plate side of the cylinder, which is considered even today, Abloy-locks the kernel. Innovation success is influenced, in particular a lock cylinder structure and durability. Construction allows, for example, different serialization possibilities. The first Abloy locks will be on sale already in 1908. The year 1918 is the fact that at the time started locks industrial manufacturing Ab Låsfabriken – lock factory Ltd. The grant of the patent 1919 a new company was created, which subsequently was changed to Abloy Oy.

ILPO LUKUS1929AIV-feed preservation method, Valio Ltd

A. I. Virtanen and his research team developed a feed preservation method commercial was in 1929. The invention won the Nobel chemistry prize in 1945.

AIV-feed manufacturing method based on the fresh feed of the pH-value to calculate. It is used to prevent harmful bacteria reproduction and feed käymisreaktiot.

1936Vaappu-lure, Rapala Oy

Lauri rapala’s idea wobble-the lure of the left the need to create a cheese supply status for sustainable, multiple use of bait. Rapala wobble-the lure rise to the unique properties of world fame. Officially, the Rapala-Lure-company, the current Rapala VMC Oyj, was founded in 1957.

All leave with one man and his hand made wobblers. Rapala VMC Oyj1946Voima-corrugated and made from boxes, paper products Ltd.

corrugated cardboard is considered one of the forest industry as the biggest innovation. Corrugated’s success is based on a simple, but sustainable structure. It is inexpensive, but strong to protect transported products. Paper Oy’s Power-corrugated duplex guaranteed packaging sustainability.

1951Afrikan star game, Kari Mannerla and Peliko Ltd.

the country information of the interested young man Kari Mannerla developed the classic form of board game. Several translations with the game is successful also abroad. Today, game sales rights to own Peliko Ltd.

INKA SOVERI1961Paperikoneen development, Machine and Bridge Ltd.

the Wärtsilä group to Machine and Bridge Ltd. the manufacturing time in the biggest in Finland of the paper machine. It was also the world’s northernmost newspaper paper machine. The paper plane was launched in November 1961 Veitsiluoto Oy, Kemi mill.

1975Ksylitol-chewing gum, Huhtamäki-Hellas Ltd.

the Finnish Sugar Ltd. patented the first in the world xylitol production method. Industrial use of the sweetener came in 1974, and the first xylitol as a sweetener use of chewing gum to the other in 1975 the market Hellas, the current Cloetta Suomi Oy.

newspaper ad of the year 19901986Pan-salt, Oriola Oy

Pan-salt has less sodium than Trbet ordinary salt. In addition, it has potassium, magnesium and lysine. Oriola Oy’s creating the product is formed to the Finnish concept.

JARNO JUUTI1996 Benecol, Raisio Benecol Oy

the first Benecol products to the world market was margarine, which the health effect is based on plant stanol ester in cholesterol lowering effect. Today, the plant stanol ester manufactured by raisio’s patented method of combining plant stanol vegetable oil soft fatty acids.

2006Puumuovikomposiitti, UPM

UPM ProFi -wood composite material for the creation of the UPM and partner of three years of development as a result. It combines wood fibers and plastic properties, and the material is suitable in particular exposed to foreign structures. Material development background-the idea was to take advantage of the recycling principle of UPM’s other production to exploit the raw material.

UPM2015Nyhtökaura, Gold&Green Foods Ltd.

Nyhtökaura is a plant protein that does not contain soy or wheat, but is made of ecologically domestic oats, beef bean and yellow pea. Nyhtökaura contains as much as 30% protein.

Source: Juha Oksanen, Pekka Pesonen, Nina Rilla and Jani Saarinen: Finnish innovations – Finland-submachine gun from Habbo Hotel. Gummerus and the Patent and registration office.