Kevin Hart+ FÖLJKevin Hart dropping out of the Oscars after kritikenVägrade the first to apologize: ”I stand above”the FILM

Oscarsakademin demanded that he apologise – but Kevin Hart refused.

Now skips the comedian of the job as the host for the glittering prisgalan.

”I am sorry I have offended people,” writes the comedian about the defection.

First, he did not want to apologise for homophobic jokes in his show and in posts on Twitter.

Just a little over an hour later announced the Kevin Hart , 39, that he jumps off as the host of the Oscars. At the same time, he took the opportunity to come up with the excuse he had previously refused.

The popular american comedian revealed as late as a few days ago that he would lead the next Oscars.

”I chose to stand across the excuse”

But when Oscarsakademin heard him and asked him to apologise for previous homophobic statements and refused Kevin Hart, writes the People.

– I just received a phone call from Oscarsakademin and they basically said: ”Kevin, apologize for your tweets… or so we have to move on and find another host,” said Kevin Hart in a video that he published on Instagram around the clock 05 on Friday morning Swedish time.

Photo: Jordan Strauss / TTKevin Hart.

the Video clip had been provided with the text: ”I know who I am, and it also makes those who stand me the closest”.

In the clip, he continues:

– I chose to stand, I chose to stand over the excuse. The reason I stood is that I have spoken to me about this several times. This is not the first time it has come up. I have spoken me. I have talked about it. I have said what was right and wrong. I have said who I am now compared to then. I have done it. I have done it.

”Sorry I hurt”

But several american magazines have gone through Kevin Harts previous statements about his homophobic tweets and the jokes in the shows and not find any excuse.

And only just over an hour later announced Kevin Hart that he drop out of the Oscars. At the same time, he took the opportunity to finally ask for forgiveness.

”I have made the decision to step down from hosting at this year’s Oscars. This is because I do not want to be a distraction during a night that should be celebrated by so many talented artists. I ask sincerely apologize to the LGBT movement for my insensitive words, in my past,” he writes on Twitter.

In further Tweets, he continues:

”I am sorry I have offended people. Betticket I am developing and want to continue to make it my goal to bring people together, not tear them apart.”

Used derogatory words about homosexuals

Twitterinläggen who scored Oscarsfansen to respond is according to the People that he used the nickname for homosexuals in a negative manner, including in a now-deleted Tweets where he to another twittrare wrote about:

”Are you some type of fat gay taking pictures of small black men all day?”

In its show, ”Seriously funny” from 2010 he also told from the stage that one of his greatest fears was that his son would become a homosexual:

– Have in mind that I am not a homophobe. Was happy. Do what you want. But I, as a heterosexual man, if I can prevent my son from becoming gay so I will do it,” he said in the show according to the People.

Declared – but without the excuse

When he 2015 commented on the joke in an interview with Rolling Stone, he asked never to apologize, but stressed instead that it was about his own fears:

–.I think of what I would have done as a father, I had done something wrong, and if, what in that case? he told Rolling Stone.

– Not that I will not love my son or think differently about him. The fun in the joke is that it is I who gets mad at my son, because of my own insecurity. I got panic. It has nothing to do with him, it’s all about me.

Oscarsakademin has not yet commented on Kevin Harts dropouts.

Three scandals in the entertainment world 2018 01:01