Once, he was the Zurich Hit, highly praised by connoisseurs of the design scene, and it’s Plethi as a practical and beautiful findings. 2300 of them are in Zurich, and many in the Agglomeration. Cities such as Vienna, Berlin or Barcelona have taken over from the “Tages-Anzeiger” Abfallhai baptized precious bucket. Up to St. Moritz, Arosa, Zermatt and the noble tank in matt brought it to shiny chrome steel. As a piece of design into the Zurich Museum of design. And then, anno 2003, inquiries from Japan arrived.

“Züri-bucket 110 Liter”

At once the shark not good enough for the world city of Zurich? A new bucket with the pragmatic name “Züri-bucket 110 Liter” is to run the elegant chrome steel cylinder. The new head of waste + Recycling Zürich (ERZ), Daniel Aebli, has decided to end the shark’s career, such as “local info” reported. Damaged buckets would be replaced gradually by the new, it is called ORE. “The new Züri-bucket 110 litres is used where replacement is necessary, or in the case of new Projects, where waste containers are needed,” said Daniel Eberhard, a spokesman of the ORE. Survey

is The 1xbet Abfallhai to slowly disappear. This is …

a good thing. He has had it.
a No-go. The is part of Zürich.

a good thing. He has had it.


a No-go. The is part of Zürich.


2460 votes

a good thing. He has had it.


a No-go. The is part of Zürich.


2460 votes

of The Züri-bucket not it holds more waste than the shark, but has a much larger Opening. “This was enlarged, as the containers of Take-away providers are getting bigger,” says Eberhard. Often, as a result, the throw-in will be clogged. The Züri would offer buckets of various benefits for the ORE employees: easier Handling, “that facilitates the everyday work of the employees of the city cleaning noticeably”. Thus, the inner slide bag of the new Bucket also in the case of heavy objects from the bracket.

3100 franc cost-Effective than the shark

While the design model, including Assembly, is the new bucket cheaper. ORE has designed it myself – on the basis of a well-known Designs, since more than 40 years. The new development of the type 110 litres is based on that with 70 liters of volume. Of these, more than 1350 pieces are on public land. Because the city has designed the bucket itself, belong to it the rights to the Design. “The aim was to be independent of the design right or the manufacturers and to thus ensure a tender to all suppliers the same opportunities for the production and delivery of such a product,” says Eberhard. A tender is planned.

In January 2003, the first sharks appeared on the then newly-renovated schaffhauserplatz. They are available with built-in ashtrays and dog poop bags stocked. By Zemp + Partner Design-designed Hai prevailed at that time against 26 competing firms, with approximately 80 models.

Video: Zurich-schaffts with a garbage bag for a year
“Minimal waste” means live So as to produce as little waste. Theodora Hoff shows how to do this. Video: Anja Stadelmann


Created: 06.12.2018, 21:15 PM