yesterday, it was decided that the Swedish government’s proposal for smoking bans in more public places, get support from Wish sosialutvalg. The ban also applies to e-cigarettes.

The new rules will take effect in the summer of 2019 and applies to beer gardens Vevobahis within, togperronger, bus stops, playgrounds and sports arenas. The goal is a smoke-free Sweden by 2025, according to Aftonbladet.

– A target for the Uk

But Sweden is not the only one who has tried to change the røykeloven. Norwegian politicians in the Progress, the Ap and the SV came in our with a proposal to change the current smoking policy.

The time said deputy Olaug Bollestad in the Progress that she believed it is time that the current ban on smoking indoors will be extended to also apply to areas outdoors.

the Swedish smoking bans creates heated debate

– We put forth a proposal and it says I still for the. The goal is to prevent a new generation to start smoking, and strengthen the protection against passive smoking, says the deputy chair of the Newspaper.

All except the Progress party voted for the proposal in the spring.

Sweden is one of the goals that Norway must not be degraded. If the government does not come with a good enough suggestion, I’ll work to get it to happen.

– Not on the same line as Sweden

the progress party’s helsepolitiske spokesperson Åse Bruun-Gundersen says to Dagbladet that the conservative party will not put themselves on the line to Sweden. She also confirms that the progress party was against the recent changes of the røykeloven that was introduced in Norway.

– the FrP is not something forbudsparti and we think smokers are was enough. We will that it should be up to the owners of the restaurants and beer gardens within a to decide whether they want to allow smoking or not.

to reduce the number of smokers in Norway, thinks she is more important to allow the sale of tobakksfrie products.

– I think more to allow the sale of other less damage to health nicotine products that tobakksfri snuff and e-cigarettes with nicotine. But there is today prohibited unfortunately.

at the same time she believes that politicians need to have faith that people are able to decide for themselves and make their own choices.

Supports the KrF

Elise Bjørnebekk-Waagen, representative in the health and omsorgskomiteen for the Labour party supports Bollestad, and say that they also have asked the government to consider a change in the current smoking policy.

– the Current smoking policy has had an effect. Together with fees, help to tobakksavvenning and programs in the school have røykeloven contributed to the fact that the number of smokers in Norway slowly, but surely goes down.

She claims that smoking remains the main cause of people dying early in the Uk.

– People must be smoking if they want, but society has a responsibility to ensure that all can access the public rooms. Then we should consider whether there is a public place where smoking does not belong, such as playgrounds and bus stops, ” says Bjørnebekk-Waagen.

Revision is now up in the Parliament where the politicians should come with a concrete proposal.

Frustrated over the somling. Will have new snus to Norway – to Remove the man’s joie de vivre

When the proposal in Sweden went through yesterday met the great opposition in social media.

– When will it spritforbud on the cozy outdoor cafés? So that everyone can sit in peace without having to hear lots of noise, ask a user on Facebook.

– so tired of all formynderiet! Is it really so dangerous to take responsibility for themselves? ask a user.

at the same time, there are many supporters of the new prohibition responds with “Very good! People should not need to be exposed to this” and “Finally I shall (astmatiker) enjoy uteserveringene”.

Last changed in 2014

In Norway was røykeloven last changed in July 2014. When was røykeloven tightened further.

It was introduced tobakksforbud in and by barnehagers premises, tobakksfri school for students in grade school and in high school, in addition to a prohibition to create special smoking rooms.

however, It is currently still allowed to smoke for the guests by the country’s cozy outdoor cafés.

One of the three does not follow the law – Fatal