the Woman’s behaviour and preferences are to some degree dependent on where she is in her menstruationcyklus.

It is pointing to research on again and again: When a woman, who did not use hormone preparation as the pill, Sahabet ovulating and therefore are most likely to become pregnant, does she prefer red clothes, is more flirtatious, gets softer and more feminine facial features, fantasize more about sex, turn on machomænd etc.

And now there is further study, which indicates that also the woman’s behavior towards other females is changing, if she can feel the other woman ovulates and therefore we pose a greater threat.

the Study ‘Women Selectively Guard Their (Desirable) Mates From Ovulating Women consists of four experiments, where the women among other things, were to judge photos of women with and without æglæsning. The participants did not get to know about the woman in the picture had or had not ovulated. It was solely judged on appearance.

And completely consistent, it appeared that women who had attractive men, didn’t like medsøstre, as had ovulation. And when the women in the trial were ‘exposed’ for fertile women, they were even more attracted by their own boyfriends.

All in all, it means that the woman pays attention on small signals from potential competitors, which causes her to respond with the social exclusion of the fetrile competitor, and is more sexually aware of their own boyfriend.

Previously evolutionspsykologer explained why women give oral sex.

See also: Oral sex is the glue in your relationship

See also: Why giving men oral sex

See also: TV: How to get her to love blowjob

Sex & cohabitation – 17. jan. 2012 – kl. 21:39 TV: These women are the most sexy