“Excessive requirements for lift maintenance”: the subject in the letter to the Swiss Price watchdog Stefan Meierhans. The sender of Zurich: the tips of the cantonal trade Association (KGV) and the cantonal house owners Association (HEV). You are asking the regulator to deal with the issue to adopt – with the goal of “fair and reasonable lift maintenance intervals” for companies and house owners. “In particular, in our opinion, to the lack of incentives of the standardization institutions are in the future avoided,” said the Letter.

signed KGV-President Werner Scherrer, p / e-business Manager, Thomas Hess, HEV-President Hans Egloff and HEV-Director Albert Leiser. The four occupations to enquiries by the cantonal coordination of company place of discharge, according to the requirements of the Elevator maintenance intervals private standardization institutions are responsible.

Cartel-like trains

“most of The members of this standardization institutions are enterprises, employees of Lift”, it says in the letter. These benefited directly from as many people as possible is arranged in the lift maintenance, the employees in the relevant standardisation institutions. The high lift maintenance costs meant for businesses and home owners Kaçak İddaa with disproportionate expenses that were not necessary and especially price driven.

Price watchdog Stefan Meierhans agrees with the assessment that “in the field of lift maintenance in principle, action is needed”. This is what he writes in his reply of 20. November. Whether the normalization of the suit was to existing problems, he could not judge, but unfortunately, because of the necessary technical Background is lacking. In addition, the price monitoring have in this area, not competence.

He was going to make is so strong, “that the lack of incentives and lack of transparency in the area of the lift maintenance will soon become a thing of the past”, writes Meier, Hans. He had pointed out to the state Secretariat for economic Affairs, the Consumer Affairs Bureau and the Swiss homeowners Association “repeatedly on the need for action”. And further: “To a message I sent in September of 2018, a request for the periodic control of elevators in the Canton of Zurich to the Secretariat of the competition Commission (Comco). This has taken up the case in October 2018.”

“Expensive permanent nuisance”

Weko-confirmed Vice Director Olivier Schaller, that its authority is investigating a case of lift maintenance and control, from the Canton of Zurich. For further information on the procedures and possible sanctions he could not do.

The competition Commission is an independent Federal Agency. You take care of according to their own statements, among other things, to “combat harmful cartels” and supervised, market-dominant companies.

“these are positive signals”, says Thomas Hess. The remark by the price inspector, he has no competence in this area prepares the business Manager of the p / e ratio. The p / e ratio will remain together with the HEV on the Ball and be curious, “as the Price regulator wants to make it specifically for our concerns”. Hess speaks of “expensive permanent nuisance” for companies and house owners. Not only because of the many were, but because lifts off “excessive security” with interior doors converted must be.

New Canton advance

On the political level, the lift of the critics became active again. A few days ago, the Kantonsräte Hans-Peter Amrein (SVP, Küsnacht), Marcel lenggen Hager (BDP, Gossau) and Erich Vontobel (EDU.), submitted a parliamentary Initiative. The claim: the excessive maintenance costs for transportation systems to counteract, to be added to the planning and building act. Manufacturer of elevators and escalators should be required “for the operation and maintenance of the necessary information and technical tools to the operator, so that the operation and maintenance specialist can be in accordance with”.

This would allow the owners of transportation systems, to engage in addition to the manufacturer an independent maintenance company. The market would thus be opened, which would reduce the cost of maintenance significantly, says a member of the Parliament Amrein. That in the meantime, the competition Commission dealt with the case, called it a “glimmer of light on the horizon”.

in the spring of 2017 Kantonsräte of SVP, BDP and EDU initiatives were submitted, of which they demanded from the governing Council information on the in their view excessive bureaucracy and the “cartel-like trains” in the case of lift controls. The Association of Swiss Elevator company, was at that time part of understanding. The government rejected the criticism and pointed to the low number of lift accidents in the Canton. On the level of maintenance of the Canton had no influence; here, the competition between the Elevator manufacturers games.


Created: 07.12.2018, 21:48 PM