Between the 7. and 21. November, it must have happened. Someone has far flipped up the switch from the Position “We stand behind the Reform, the direction is right” on “The template is broken”. An Insider says, the same people would have “their attitude within a swept days by 180 degrees”. The speech is by Economie Suisse and Swiss holdings.

follow on Tuesday: the Council of States agrees on the procedure for the Revision of the company law. He advises you as two joined, after the national Council advise the template in the summer, from the economic point of view, improved and supported. And yet, the Zurich FDP councillor Ruedi Noser provides a proxy for all the opponents of the application, the Revision will not be considered. For corporations, nothing more “in there, though, you might be interested in”. However, small and medium-sized companies would suffer “a number of disadvantages with the Revision” would be accepted. “There is not a single point is a matter of urgency. The current stock to work right,” says Noser.

to blame two players for the opponents: first, Thomas Minder, has brought as the Initiator of the rip-off initiative in the Commission’s many restrictions on managers wages by Council of States, and secondly, to put all of the FDP and CVP – Ständeräte of the law Commission, which would have slept through it, in controversial points, counter-motions. “Apparently, members of the Commission have not done the work expected of them. This is annoying,” says SP-councillor Claude Janiak.

is The umbrella organisation of the economy sows the seeds of doubt with false statements.

Nosers application opportunities and causes an uproar. While there are those who say that the national Council could insist on its Version and the Council of States, in order that this be revised. But others find that this is highly risky. “Well possible, that the national Council sunk the template is simple,” says Janiak. Such a scenario is real. “It’s from citizens point of view is not likely that we will decide in a second round in the national Council enter. The Reform brings in too little to justify the adjustment costs of the economy,” says SVP national councillor Pirmin Schwander.

It deals with hundreds of improvements, which should now be at the Initiative of Economiesuisse disposed of. The amazed even the Civic, because in the summer the economic was announced by the umbrella Association, the auditors have Casinomaxi the right stuff, the “existing backlog of reforms to break up” and “to bring in many of the simplifications and reductions, especially for SMEs”.

Propaganda of the economy

Now he spreads the opposite: “There are over 100 adaptations, in many cases, deteriorations, which are technically part is very important, and for what it is, for the most part, no amendments in Parliament,” said a spokesman. The template was derailed “in the States Committee crass”. to bottomed

the template, sows the seeds of Economiesuisse doubt with false statements. Three examples:

The Association claims that there is over 100 adverse adjustments, for the “for the most part, no Amendments”. This is wrong. FDP-councillor Andrea Caroni has counted. “The wish-list of Economiesuisse after my Numera … … … 28 change requests, a so-called concept applications”, each of which has several corrections. To this “28 Want 24 Amendments”. Open only 4 applications.

Noser claims, the Board of Directors would not be overburdened with new duties, which had not its task, for example, the Monitoring of payment ability. This is wrong, says the renowned law Professor Hans Caspar von der Crone. The Board of Directors have to monitor the solvency of today. The mention in the law “was not contested in the national Council”.

New proxy advisors should place at the AGM, your interests, if you are working on behalf of this company. Opponents argue that it could no longer fight this. A counter-motion was not, could not, however, be asked, says of the Crone. Personally, he finds it correct that you disclose your appointments: “It is completely exaggerated to claim that the template could not be repaired. The Reform, according to the work to reject, without ever tackling it would be unprofessional”.

runs against pressure

the Well-known corporate law expert Peter Forstmoser speaks the stalls councils to the Conscience. In the last of the “Finance and economy” he writes, with the Failure of the Reform, a massive collateral would be taken “damage”. Meaningful improvements and “innovations – very as free, and not as constraints designed – would be sacrificed.”

the Crone confronts allegations, the template will lead to more work. “Extra effort is the law, not caused, on the contrary. The Plus of flexibility and the Transition to digital communication will create substantial added value, you think only the abolition of printed annual reports.”

Caroni will make a request to the Council of States can correct the deficiencies. “We are image 0:2 in the gap right now, but the game is not over yet.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.12.2018, 22:17 PM