Finnish spitz Raiku had another dog attack in July. Summer and autumn have been the dog and the owner hard, as Raiku was damaged badly and he had several cuts. Raiku-a dog received serious injuries in the summer. Now the dog won’t recognize as the same. It has a bushy fur coat, and bleeding open wounds are just a memory. Tani Höyhtyä

Four anesthesia, multiple surgeries, tubes in the side, the flies and the heat of summer torment. Finnish spitz Raiku has survived the last six years of many hardships. The dog, however after the initial difficulties, improved well, to tell the owner, savonlinna types of Tani Höyhtyä .

Raiku had severe dog attack in mid-July, but survived with serious injuries despite, and is now the owner according to the cheerful and curious young dog.

the Summer was terrible. Dogs could not keep all out, because flies and other bugs were as soon as the dog attacked in the early stages, when the dog was all open.

Höyhtyä says that after the attack the first couple of weeks Raiku went into a panic even at the sight of other dogs. Raiku was only a little over a year, when a couple of dozen pounds heavier, a guest dog attacked it in Savonlinna.

It started was already on the fence, that will Raiku alive. That attack was so harsh. The back leather was palm size area off, when the dog was shaken so strongly. It was Asyabahis pretty terrible.

Story continues pictures.

the Second dog bite Raikun ribs and back really bad shape, and the end of the summer was the dog very difficult. Its flank was to install the pipes, in order to fester the wounds were healing. Tani höyhtyä the owner has with his dog hunting several times. He said that the Raikun bite has been shot several birds, which is a feat for such a young dog. Tani Hyöhtyä

Initially, Höyhtyä had to feed the dog, not the stitches will have any staying caught. The dog side I had was to install the pipes, in order to wet out the skin from underneath. Höyhtyä says that total veterinary expenses went over the 1 000.

Now Raiku is happy about a 1.5-year-old family and hunting dog, which would not notice the damage at all.

– it’s a complete hair probably won’t come, but kicking the dog now.