The high school teacher Andreas Pfister called on 1. December in an Interview with not only an increase in the secondary school quota, but even that “all are to make a Matura”. He thinks this requirement is “neither naive nor provocative”. In contrast, my claim is that all students should complete a teaching is certainly provocative and naive. Because there are not enough apprenticeship places for all. And all secondary school teachers would need to retrain either or would be unemployed.

But with the provocations we can’t get more – that’s why it needs the facts: It was just read again that the USA want to cooperate with Switzerland in the development of the vocational education and training. The three of US Ministers, as well as the daughter of the President reaffirmed, “of a small country such as Switzerland to learn”. There can’t be our education system is so bad.

Who can best judge of whether a-levels is all an Option? The young people themselves, therefore, I interviewed five professional certificate classes and a class electricians fitters. The result: Only a small minority in one of the Matura for all the advantage. Amazingly, the share of Matura-for-all-trailer at the mechanics of something bigger. When I asked why, cried some in the class: “Rather longer in the school, because you have to do nothing.”

Andreas Pfister forgets, however, that in other levels of training such as apprenticeship or professional certificate is selected.

more seriously: youth unemployment in Switzerland is a record low, it is currently at 3.1 percent. In Europe one of the highest values in Italy and currently 31.6 percent. That alone is no proof that our dual System is better than Kingbetting the Italian full-time school system. But if you look at the values of South Tyrol – 8.8 percent (in 2017), so one wonders why the youth unemployment in this province so deeply. The answer: South Tyrol has maintained, in contrast to the rest of Italy, the dual vocational training system today.

In the coming years must be educated to school in the Canton of Zurich, massively more students per Year, and trained. This corresponds to a conservative estimate approximately 60 classes per Year. So at the time of the Peak in numbers of students in all school of around 1000 school classes steps to be more informed. This requires more school buildings, more teachers (who are already scarce), and, above all, more money. Money for visions and none is available.

that’s Why, today, we have an education system that not only promotes, but also a selection of hits.

also, Andreas Pfister recognises that selection is a useful and legitimate task of the gymnasium. He forgets, however, that in other levels of training such as apprenticeship or professional certificate is selected. That’s why today, we have an education system that not only promotes, but also a selection of hits. In this permeable system of education ends up at the end, as each and every in the right place in the professional field.

Not all can be a top athlete, every Chess grandmaster, and not everyone is a Baker-pastry chef-champion of the world. So can and should also make all the a-levels, and should not have to go through a lesson.

* Armin Tschenett taught since 1981 at all school and is Vice-President of the teachers ‘ conference of the Zurich vocational schools.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 07.12.2018, 21:07 PM