Of those arrested, is chief financial officer of the Chinese Tech group, Huawei , Meng Wanzhou, threatening, due to allegations of fraud, a long prison sentence in the United States. The investigators accused the Manager of a company called Skycom business with Iran.

in order for sanctions had been quite injured, said a representative of the canadian public Prosecutor’s office on Friday at a hearing in Vancouver. At the court hearing a bail application Mengs was negotiated. However, there was no decision. After almost six hours, the court adjourned the hearing to Monday. To 10 PM (19 PM Swiss time) to continue the hearing.

The 46-Year-old should be veiled according to the prosecution, aware of the business relationship between Huawei and the Hong Kong company Skycom. Skycom have made, despite a trade embargo by the EU and the USA between 2009 and 2014, transactions with an Iranian telecommunications provider. Meng have banks fraudulently concealed that it was at Skycom, de facto, a Huawei subsidiary. Threatened her with a conviction of 30 years in prison for “conspiracy to defraud financial institutions,” it was said by the Prosecutor.

Information unlocked

The Huawei Manager, who at the same time, Deputy company Director and daughter of the group’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, was taken last Saturday at the behest of the American authorities in Canada. The specific allegations against them were unclear, because there was a lock-in Information. This was, however, revoked in the meantime. At the hearing, it came to the question of whether Meng against Deposit can get back on the free foot.

The Prosecutor urged the court, the application Mengs rejected. Huawei chief financial officer have the funds available to arrange an escape to China, which has no extradition agreement with the United States. Mengs defender David Martin said anyone should be denied because of his wealth the Deposit.

Meng stand as prominent in the public focus and will not bring their father, their group and their home country of China by a breach of the bail conditions in disrepute.

China in a state of Rage

In the financial markets of the incident had triggered Concerns about a renewed escalation of the trade dispute between China and the United States, and has led to occasional heavy losses. Beijing had reacted with a furious letter of protest to the arrest of Mengs and called for their release.

The Chinese Embassy in Canada, demanded by both Canada and the United States, to correct your “misbehavior immediately,” and Mengs personal freedom. It will take “all measures to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizen determined”.

According to the U.S. government, the Huawei affair, not charged to the negotiations in the trade dispute, however. “The China-discussions are going well!”, tweeted U.S. President Donald Trump on a Friday morning.

His chief economic adviser, Larry Kudlow said on the US broadcaster CNBC, the arrest was not an obstacle in the talks with China. The world’s two largest economies, have been available for months due to trade issues in the Clinch.

knew Trump of the arrest?

Additional explosiveness Mengs arrest won by the fact that it was done on the same day that the Trump with the Chinese leaders Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires had agreed to a 90-day Ceasefire in the trade conflict. According to the data of Trumps security adviser John Bolton, the White house was informed in advance about the planned arrest. Bolton said, however, he did not know whether Trump himself was aware of.

The Chinese government said it is a violation of their “human rights”. Huawei is a key group for the Chinese ambition to become the leading economy of the world power. The group is already behind Samsung and Apple the second largest Smartphone manufacturer in the world.

the reputation of The Chinese group

In many countries, is accused of Huawei, however, too great a proximity to the Chinese leadership and its security and intelligence services. The reservations about Huawei were underlined on Friday by the EU Commission.

“Should we make the run for Huawei or other Chinese companies?”, Vice-President of the Commission Andrus Ansip asked in Brussels. “Yes, I think we should be worried about.” This is because the companies would have to work together in the development of products “with their secret services”. Their products could then “back doors” so that Chinese services were given access to them. (fal/sda/afp)

Created: 07.12.2018, at 22:41
