In Brazil, for the first time a child is born whose mother had received the uterus from a deceased donor to be transplanted. The managed a research group of Dani Ejzenberg and Wellington Andraus, University of São Paulo, reported in the journal The Lancet on Wednesday. Therefore, the girl is already about a year ago, the world in a healthy.
For a number of women could be a uterus transplant, the only way to have children of their own. Affected women whose uterus has been damaged due to accidents, infections or tumor diseases. Genetic changes can cause you to have no or a too small uterus. Up to 10,000 women are affected, the hospital writes Erlangen, Germany, where a center for uterine transplants in planning. The first transplantation of a Uterus in Germany, however, was carried out in October 2016 at the University hospital in Tübingen.

Previously, only Wombs of women living transplanted

Worldwide total of about 20 successful uterus transplants were carried out, first, 2014 in Sweden. Until now, the Wombs were from living donors. In the Brazilian case, a 32-year-old woman, was due to a rare disease, there is no uterus Bahis siteleri was implanted in September 2016, in a ten-hour surgery, the Uterus of a deceased 45-Year-old.
Already at the first attempt, it was later for seven months by artificial insemination to get pregnant. A further 36 weeks later, the healthy child was born by caesarean. At the Operation the uterus was removed. Seven months later, the mother and child were doing fine.

donor organs Deceased offers great potential

Wellington Andraus see in Operation a large potential: As with other organ, the number of donor organs in the case of wombs is significantly lower than the number of women waiting for a transplant donation. Live donations are also subject to very strict criteria and come across with many people on ethical concerns because the donor must take an eight-hour surgery with corresponding risks, without that it comes to acute life-saving. If the organs are Deceased used, could improve the Situation significantly. A missing or damaged Uterus is not a reason to not be able to get pregnant, believes Andraus.

number of children to be transplanted Uteri possible

In a next step the women should be also enables multiple pregnancies, says the surgeon. Since the transplanted Uterus was well tolerated, he was confident that a longer stay in the body with low doses of immunosuppressants. These drugs are to prevent rejection of the foreign tissue.