MejlaStefan Hedmark+ FÖLJNya the cinema plunges you into the same storm as Johnny DeppSverigepremiär for technology that shakes biobesökarnaFoto: WarnerJohnny Depp in ”Fantastic beasts: Grindelwald’s crimes”.FILM

UPPSALA, sweden. I am coming out of the cinema.

Wet, shaken up and a bit cold.

Is this the future of our cinema?

On Friday, 7 december, is the premiere for one of Nordisk Film’s first cinema in Sweden. It opens its doors in the shopping center Gränbystaden in the north east of Uppsala, and has something unique to offer – 4DX. The technology has been around for a decade, a south Korean innovation, which has been looking out around the world and now has come to Sweden.

the Idea is to elevate the cinema experience into something even more tangible than the 3D and to bond to the old-time technology. The 50’s had Smell-O-Rama that was sending out the aromas in the salon. Twenty years later, the Sensurround to the cinema shook a little extra during the disaster movies.

4DX maxar there by bidding on extra everything. Nöjesbladet was during a preview of the casino salon. An initial trailerpaket shows the effects at full strength. Säterna vibrates in all directions and edges. At the tempest, we feel the drops of rain and may the winds in the face. Smoke smolders up the screen to enhance the fog. When a creep runs up in the film, we feel it tickle along the our bones.

in other words: clean funny-looking house. Or Flumeride at Liseberg.

the Seat does the work for you

perhaps It is telling of our time that we have become so blasé that we need a literal push to react. Was not the scene in ”The nun” you jump to? Was quiet, the chair does the work for you.

To feel all of the effects for a few minutes is not fair because the man stagger away easily carsick and wet. It is like eating all the christmas food at a time. Therefore, we also got the opportunity to see a movie, ”Fantastic beasts: Grindelwald’s crimes”, in order to distribute the experience in a more reasonable way.

Enough, it is a åkfärd all. During the scenes where the dialogue dominates the hold biosätet itself thankfully the pacific. When a new location is introduced in the film follows the seat often with the camera angles of inclination in a soft way.

Then slamming it even during the action scenes. Anyone who has seen the film remember the opening where Grindelwald sleeps in a high-flying which. The seat comes to life, shakes a while the smoke flattens until at the canvas. It’s raining and we find ourselves high up in the air. Very really splashes it and blowing in his face.

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perhaps It is telling of our time that we have become so blasé that we need a literal push to react. Was not the scene in ”The nun” you jump to? Was quiet, the chair does the work for you.

Gränbystaden in Uppsala, sweden and Bio Capitol I Stockholm point to two different ways to go when we’re talking about bioupplevelser. The former offers an amusement park of effects, while the latter provides a wider programme of old and new films, with the opportunity to purchase a food – and dryckpaket.

What unites the cinemas is convenience as well as a repertoire and social experience you cannot get at home on the couch. But we are talking about completely different audiences and ages.

The who want to enjoy a glass of wine and a charkbricka in front of the ”Umbrellas of Cherbourg” is probably not the same person who wants to be jostled at the back and nedsprutad while hen looking at the transformers as fighting.

In that sense, it is this the future of cinema. It is not just about how the repertoire looks like, but what kind of experience you buy in connection with the film.

Close to the 200-kronorsstrecket

Tastes what it costs. A ticket to a 4DX films will be close to 200-kronorsstrecket. It remains to be seen how the intended audience, children and teenagers (in other words, the parents), will ask to pay far more than for the 3D tickets.

Personally I had more fun the first time I saw Grindelwald’s escape in a regular movie theater. Just because a scene takes place in a storm it does not mean that I also want to get wet and freeze. I dread facing what a 4DX experience of James Cameron ”the Abyss” (1989) would imply.

But my tonårsjag had certainly chosen it rather than charkbrickan.