Antwerp The Antwerp socialists pulling the plug won’t be out of the negotiations with the N-VA and Open Vld on a new city council. But the resistance from the elected representatives of sp.a growing after the strong remarks of Bart De Wever (N-VA) about the UN-migratiepact. It can be Tuesday or even exciting to be on the local leadership of sp.a.

The Antwerp executives of sp.a went Sunday along with Bart De Wever. Many wanted to Jinnih Beels and Tom Meeuws about is not lost. Except that there is also Monday, further will be discussed. “We know why we are here. To make the city better. But easier to negotiate.” Their national chairman John Crombez stressed that in The Seventh Day. “The events of the past week, as the campaign of N-VA and the chaos, complicate the talks in Antwerp. I will hear what the calls today have been completed and will be on the matter with our people in Antwerp alone.”

The big problem of sp.a is how you make a collaboration with the N-VA of The Weaver at the grassroots can continue to sell. Not only to the constituency, also to the elected officials. Hicham El Mzairh, who, thanks to a strong score the sixth gemeenteraadszetel conquered, it is extremely difficult with the current situation. For him, the discussion about migration, emotionally and personally. “I am a product of the regularisation of 2000. Asylum seeker, a muslim and a labourer. I was willing to Bart De Wever to give a chance after his statement about reconciliation with the left. But now? He must realize that I, as a councillor to the rights of the migrants will defend. With an active exploration of refugees, I can’t live. If N-VA is a far-right campaign, it will be without me. And perhaps also without sp.a.”


El Mzairh do not want to pre-empt the party executive this week. “Until further notice, I am loyal to my party. But I must admit that I have a lot meaning have to for the opposition to choose. I expect a good explanation of sp.a to be or not to proceed with the talks.”

According to political scientist Dave Sinardet is sp.a in Antwerp, if possible, even in a more difficult parquet than N-VA. “N-VA spéélt like on different chessboards. But sp.a must to the supporters go on to explain that they’re with a party, control that, according to the left to the extreme right is shifted. The Weaver was the big bogeyman and that now even more. The only advantage is that the socialist constituency all in all, a lot of swallows. And maybe for sp.a is now more pressure put on The Weaver. Yet it remains difficult. To continue with the negotiations, it means that sp.a also the sheet of The Weaver saves.”