DebattÅSIKTKvinnor suffer – care says that they are friskaSocialstyrelsen: one in ten women suffer from endometriosis – we have developed new guidelines This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: GETTYBristande knowledge of endometriosis within the health care system leads to the symptoms often misinterpreted. In the worst case, it leads to people seeking care friskförklaras or get the wrong diagnosis. It can take several years before you get the right treatment, writes Elisabeth Eidem and Olivia Wigzell, the national Board of health.DEBATE

DEBATE. Endometriosis is a disease which can be very severe pain during menses. But the ignorance about the endometriosis is large – both within the health care system and among the general public. Many may have to wait a long time in the right care.

Now want the Board of health to see change and improvement.

Endometriosis means that livmoderslemhinneliknande tissue grows outside the uterus and can lead to very severe pains. An estimated to suffer up to one in ten women of childbearing age. About half have endometriosrelaterade ailments that affect their lives. Most people get the first symptoms in their teens, often in the form of severe menstrual cramps.

Other symptoms include disorders of the urinary tract and the intestines, deep pain, and infertility. The pain can be so severe that you vomit or pass out, and the disease can affect schooling, work and the opportunity to participate in social activities. If health care should be made early on can affliction as well as sickness absence reduce. But so, unfortunately, it looks often not out in the day.

It may take several years before you get the right treatment.

A major problem is that many today do not know the disease endometriosis. Awareness needs to be significantly higher in the society. There is also a need for more coordinated research.
Lack of knowledge about endometriosis in the care sector leads to the symptoms often misinterpreted. In the worst case, it leads to people seeking care friskförklaras or get the wrong diagnosis, such as IBS (sensitive bowel) or urinary tract infection. It can take several years before you get the right treatment.
When people seek treatment for severe menssmärtor they can also hear that this is normal. This normalization also impairs the possibilities to properly care.

today publishes and establishes the national Board of health national guidelines for the treatment of endometriosis. In the guidelines raised 44 recommendations that can support the improvement of health and health care management of patients with endometriosis. One of the most important is that the basic treatment is inserted at the early symptoms of endometriosis in order to avoid the disease getting worse.
Among the treatments taken up in the recommendations are among other hormone drugs are mass, physiotherapy, painkillers and surgery, but also supportive calls and follow-up. The treatment needs to be customized for each patient’s needs.

Access to care looks different depending on where you live.

For those with more intractable endometriosis recommended in the guidelines for the care of a multi-disciplinary team where the gynecologist, pain specialist, nurse, counselor and physical therapist, may be included. Today there are around 40 women’s clinics during the in Swedish hospitals, but only about 10 of these have some form of endometriosteam. Access to specialist care, as a pain doctor and specialist physiotherapists, also varies across the country. This means that access to care is different depending on where you live.

Work with the new guidelines have clearly shown that staff in health care need to receive more support and knowledge, especially those faced by young people.
to support care in the introduction of the guidelines on the national Board of health produced videos and an e-learning course for health professionals. The aim is both to increase knowledge about endometriosis and improve treatment and treatment. The national board of health has also invested in public information and support for doctors on sick leave.

Now need to work for a better and more equitable endometriosvård to take off. Patients should feel that their illness is taken seriously and get the right treatment. Care should have the necessary knowledge. And everyone should know the disease endometriosis. In this way, we can make a difference for a better women’s health.

Elisabeth Eidem , investigator, department of Health
Olivia Wigzell , director-general, national Board of health

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