Good news+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVRektorn Henry bar dress in the school – to break the klädnormerGODA NEWS

in Order to encourage their students to dare to break the klädnormer and look how you want so came the headmaster Henrik Theorin while wearing a dress to school, type SVT Västerbotten.

“I do it as a part of my job,” he says.

On Hagaskolan, a primary school in Umeå, arranged recently a pridevecka to note that people are different and that people may be different, says principal Henry Concluded. On Friday completed one week with the theme ”come Bahis as you are”. And Henry chose to come in a dress and painted nails – to show that it is okay to break the klädnormer.

– the Painted nails I have had in the past on a few occasions, but the dress I never had, ” he says and continues:

– It was a good way to show that you get to dress as you want and it is possible to challenge standards. It is not common to have a man dress up in dress, so it was a clear way to show students that it is fully possible. I do it as a part of my job.

Both students and teachers have reacted positively to his initiatives.

– the Staff at the school think it is great that it is being done and that anyone dare to think.

1 of 2 | Photo: David Kristiansen/SVTRektorn Henrik came in the dress to school.

According to Henrik, there has been a certain positive effect when it has been highlighted in the media as SVT.

– It is good. While it would have been better if it had gone unnoticed for then there had been a habit of the people to people dressing in different ways. It is a pity.

He hopes that others can take after.

School’s mission lies therein that the talk of values, and show students that anything is possible, and all look like they want to. Then I do not ask that all teachers and all staff should do as I do, but you can find new ways to find positive ways to pay attention to it”, he says and continues:

– It may, however, not be a circus or a joke about the whole thing. It is a serious subject, there are many out there who want to look the other way but did not dare.