KulturÅSIKTMacron have refused to listen to facketLäget is acute for ”Europe’s hope” This is a kulturartikel , which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.Photo: AftonbladetGula vests in protest against Emmanuel Macrons policy. The protests in Paris degenerate into riots, and over 700 people were arrested.CULTURE

Révolution with the grandeur of the title of the book presented Emmanuel Macron their program before the presidential elections in 2017.

He achieved some success; the old partisan system blown to bits. With Macrons using the built in barriers against högerextremismens expansion.

His magnificent project is to make revolt from the top and he is compared both with the Napoleon and Cesar . Macron recently expressed also benevolence towards the marshal Petain , Vichyregimens authoritarian ruler, anti-semitism, and nazismensbeskyddare.

President’s leadership style and his somewhat blinkered social perspectives in the days of another kind of revolution. It has its base in the people, wage earners, small business owners, artisans, people in rural areas and from those who live in what the French call ”pèriurbaine”. (mångmiljonområden between the cities and the jordbrukartrakter).

from there, recruiting the new protest sahabet giriş movement to The yellow of the vests. The högerliberala the government’s decision to raise fuel prices freed him. The yellow of the vests is a semi-spontaneous movement, without social organization, and without leaders. In addition, independent of political parties and trade unions.

the Movement is anarchist and ultrademokratisk. The violence in the demonstrations can perhaps be explained with the rise or infiltration. The attacks against the cultural institutions, against maktbyggnader or köptempel have otherwise been natural during the revolts 1789, 1830, 1848, 1871, 1968.

Social rebellion is also linked with the violent and bloody police and militärvåld. The police were massively mobilized (90 000) during Saturday’s demonstrations, but the repression was måttfullare than in the past.

Macron has not complied with the Gaulle for example: to prepare for a state of emergency and request military assistance against the opposition. Macron have rather approached the François Mitterrand for example: When millions demonstrated against the decision to the state would withdraw subsidies to catholic schools, went Mitterrand away the proposal, and kicked his minister.

Macron did the same: the Proposal bränsleprishöjningar disappeared and soon he makes his prime minister.

” the Situation is urgent for Macros, long known as ”Europe’s hope”. Less than 20 per cent hold him as a competent president. His party has been reduced to the president’s personal company. His relations to the civil society has been dissolved. The environmental movement felt gestalt, Nicolas Hulot , resigned in protest against the Macrons policy.

the President has been more eager to eliminate the trade union movement’s rights than to listen to the advice from the trade union leaders. the Laurent Berger , who leads the reformist Swedish trade union confederation CFDT, gave Macron council: ”a comprehensive ecological reform and reconcile it with social justice. Not abolish the wealth tax”.

Macros were not listening; the facklige the leader looked to the president and his court and said: ”Amateurs.”

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