Jimmie Åkesson+ FÖLJJimmie Åkesson: ”Welcome the fact that we are closer to sahabet extra choice”SOCIETY

the Green voice is disappointed in Annie Lööf.

But the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson welcomes the C-leader’s vengeance.

– Today’s announcement has taken us much closer to an extra option, and I welcome that, ” says Jimmie Åkesson.

As expected, the reactions to Annie Lööf answer different, depending on which side blockgränsen you are on.

Green party spokesperson Gustav Fridolin says this to Aftonbladet:

– As we say in skåne, it is the eighth map. Here we had an opportunity to get a strong klimatregering and the need Sweden. I think that we had been able to agree on a hefty burden. And a more charitable policy where people on the run get a chance to be reunited with his family.

MP hope yet on a mittenregering

He has not given up hope yet.

– It is our party in the middle that has the best conditions to form something that ensures that Sweden does not become one of the countries in the world who fall for the raw högerpopulismen, says Fridolin.

”We had this opportunity to build a partnership that shut out The sweden democrats from political influence. It is very sad that C chose to jump off”.

They continue:

”the Centre must now stand firm on the promise not to give influence to The sweden democrats”.

1 of 3 | Photo: Urban AnderssonMiljöpartiets mouthpiece Gustav FridolinJimmie Åkesson hope on the extra options

A on the other hand, welcomes the decision is the SD leader Jimmie Åkesson:

– If Annie Lööf is fixed at today’s announcement, of course, it is positive that Stefan Löfven will be voted down, ” says Åkesson in a statement.

Lööf’s actions are ”incomprehensible” and the options start to run out because she voted no to both Kristersson and Leaves, according to the SD-leader.

– Today’s announcement has taken us much closer to an extra option, and I welcome that, ” concludes Jimmie Åkesson.

Within the Liberals, there seems to be confusion about how the party should stand in the crucial decisions that will be made during the coming week.

1 of 15 | Photo: Lotte FernvallAnnie Lööf (c )Unclear indication from the Liberals

On Wednesday it is budgetomröstning and which opened the party’s economic-political spokesperson to lay down their votes and thus ensure that the M and KD-the budget wins the vote.

– As it looks now we will put down our votes, ” said Persson earlier today.

But a few hours was a form of party leader Jan Björklund, who wrote on twitter that says that the party has not yet made a decision how they will set themselves in the budget being passed and statsministerfrågan:

– Liberal discussions on a mittensamarbete continues. We have not yet taken a decision on how we vote in the budget being passed on Wednesday or how we vote in a vote on Stefan Löfven as prime minister. The idea is to partirådet in the morning to decide.